This example app contains an example Telegram mini-app built on Turnkey.
- Contains code that runs a Telegram Bot
- Contains a next js application that can run a miniapp in a Telegram Context
- Note the
<script src=""></script>
in the<head>
of /src/app/layout.tsx. This allows us to use Telegram mini-app utilities such as Telegram Cloud Storage
- Contains routes that your server would perform. This includes things like creating sub organizations whennew users join, or kicking off email authentication for when they want to log in
- Shows how the @turnkey/telegram-cloud-storage-stamper
can be used to store a temporary (or long lived) api key to use within your application and make requests to Turnkey on behalf of your users
- Shows how that stored api key can be retreived and used to make requests to Turnkey, for example signing and broadcasting a transaction