- User Story #1: As a user, I want to be able to view a presentation of the different aspects of my personalSpotify music listening tastes displayed in colorful and fun ways.
Acceptance Criteria:
- Able to log into your personal Spotify account from the app
- Able to parse through the account’s data to generate a detailed and creative summary of the user’s music listening habits and tastes
- User Story #2: As a user, Iwantto be able to create an account and log into to theapp so I can view my past Spotify Wrapped summaries.
Acceptance criteria:
- Able to create an account that holds your associated Spotify info
- Account information persists after the app is closed
- Provide a screen where past Spotify Wrapped summaries can be accessed and viewed.
- Provide a screen where your login info can be updated.
- Provide a screen where you can delete your account
User Story 3: 8 points
- As a user, I would like for a LLM API to dynamically describe how someone who listens to my
kind of music tends to act/think/dress during my Spotify Wrapped
- As a user, I would like for a LLM API to dynamically describe how someone who listens to my
User Story 5: 13 points
- As a user, I would like to be able to hear clips from some of my top songs play duringmy Spotify Wrapped (due to API limitations, at least 1 group member needs SpotifyPremium to attempt this story!).
User Story 8: 5 points
- As a user, I would like to control the timespan of the generated Wrapped summary(1 week, 1
month, 1 year, all time, etc.).
- As a user, I would like to control the timespan of the generated Wrapped summary(1 week, 1
User Story 10: 5 points
- As a developer, I would like a CI/CD pipeline to test my code to verify that it builds and is
formatted correctly.
- As a developer, I would like a CI/CD pipeline to test my code to verify that it builds and is
User Story 11: 3 points
- As a user, I would like to be able to export a summary of my Wrapped as an imagefile that I can easily copy and share with others outside of the app.