A fortran2003 code to deconvolve Hi-net velocity record by its seismometer response by using inverse filtering technique.
Linux/Mac/Unix with Fortran2003 compiler. I confirmed that this program successfully works with gfortran@4.8.2 and intel fortran@14.0.1 on Mac OSX.
- Edit makefile
- make
hinet_decon.x sacfile [-o outfile] [-f0 freq] [-h0 damp] [-f1 freq]
[-h1 damp] [-decon] [-int] [-fint freq] [-hint freq]
'-o outfile' ( indicate output sac filename <sacfile.out> )
'-f0 freq' ( eigen frequency of input signal <1.0> )
'-h0 damp' ( damping constant of input signal <0.7> )
'-f1 freq' ( eigen frequency of output signal <0.00833333> )
'-h1 damp' ( damping constant of output signal <0.707> )
'-decon' ( deconvolve without simulation seismometer )
'-int' ( output displacement record by numerical integration )
'-fint freq' ( corner frequency of low-cut filter for integration )
'-hint damp' ( damping constant of low-cut filter for integration )
./hinet_decon.x (input.sac) -o (output.sac)
This default option will convert Hi-net type velocity seismometer response to that of (approximated) STS-2. By adding "-int" option, deconvolved displacement waveform will be obtained.
We confirm that this program successfully works with gfortran@4.6.0 and intel fortran@13.0.1 .
Copyright (C) 2009-2014, Takuto Maeda, All rights reserved. All source codes included in this archive are released under the MIT License.
If you write a scientific paper describing research that made substantive use of this program, please cite the following paper.
Maeda, T., K. Obara, T. Furumura, and T. Saito, Interference of long-period seismic wavefield observed by dense Hi-net array in Japan, J. Geophys. Res., 116, B10303, doi:10.1029/2011JB008464, 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2011JB008464