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BitMagic C++ Library

BitMagic was created as a Algebra of Sets toolkit for Information Retrieval but currently evolved into a more general Data Science components library for memory compact structures and algorithms on succinct data vectors. BitMagic implements compressed bit-vectors and containers (vectors) based on ideas of bit-slicing transform, Rank-Select compression and logical computing on memory compressed models.

All BitMagic succicnt containers are serializable (with compression using state of art Binary Interpolative Coding) for efficient storage and network transfer. All containers are fast searchable in compresed form.

BitMagic offers sets of methods and tools to architect your applications to use HPC techniques to save memory on the fly (thus be able to fit more data in one compute unit), improve storage and traffic patterns when storing data vectors and models in files or object stores (SQL or noSQL), optimize systems bandwidth from low-level (CPU caches) to network and storage exchnage.

BitMagic facilitates two big classes of scenarios:

  • limited RAM applications (WebAssembly, IoT, Edge computing, desktop/workstation apps)
  • Big Data HPC (petabyte problems) where amount of data is astronomical and computation and storage has to be distributed (need for efficient transfer) and optimized for bandwidth.

Applications and Use Cases

BitMagic was used as a building blocks for:

  • Algebra of Sets for IR, database inverted index construction or index-free columnar DBs
  • Simulation of logical schemes (FPGAs)
  • Data Science of multidimentional binary distances on compressed sets, building blocks for binary clusterizations, self-organizing maps
  • Construction of memory compressed bioinformatics models
    • sequence alignments
    • collections of variations and SNPs
    • compression of sequence reads
    • k-mer classification systems
  • Visualization of data-sets in the memory constrained edge configurations (edge comuting, IoT, WebAssembly)
  • Graph and Tree analysis, construction of compressive matrices of association
  • Web and application logs analytics, systems for reliability automation
  • Low latency task scheduling (orchestration) systems

Please visit our use-case notes:

Optimizations and SIMD

BitMagic library is a high performance library, implementing optimizations for variety of platforms and build targets:

  • x86 (platform specific available bit-scan instructions)
  • x86 SIMD: SSE2, SSE4.2(POPCNT, LZCNT), AVX2 (BMI1/BMI2), AVX-512(work in progress)
  • Arm SIMD: Neon
  • WebAssembly (use of WebAsm built-ins and platform specific tricks)
  • WebAssembly SIMD

BitMagic uses a data-parallel vectorized design with a goal not just provide a best single threaded performance but to facilitate highly parallel compute on many-core systems.

Compression algorithms

BitMagic uses a suite of compression algorithms, filters and transformations to reduce memory footprint, storage costs and network data transfer.

  • Hierachical compression of bit-vectors
  • D-GAP (RLE) of bit-blocks
  • Binary Inetrpolative Coding (BIC)
  • Elias-Gamma Coding
  • Bitwise-Tranposition for vectors (also known as Bit Planes coding or bit-slicing)
  • XOR compression filters
  • Frequency based dictionary remapping (similar to Huffman codes)

Please visit our tech.notes:

Main Features (bm::bvector<>)

  • compressed bit-vector container
  • iterator (bm::bvector<>::enumerator to decode the bitset to integers
  • set algebraic operations: AND, OR, XOR, MINUS, NOT on bit-vectors and integer sets
  • fast bit-vector iterator (enumerator) for bit-vector traversal, algorithms for functor-based traversals (similar to std::for_each)
  • fast import (compression) of integer lists (C++ style bulk_insert_iterator or using C array)
  • aggregator: fast vectorized logical AND, OR, AND-MINUS operations on groups of bit-vectors
  • serialization/hybernation of bit-vector containers into compressed BLOBs for persistence (or in-RAM compression)
  • set algebraic operations on compressed BLOBs (on the fly deserialization with set-algebraic function)
  • statistical algorithms to efficiently construct similarity and distance metrics, measure similarity between bit-vectors, integer sets and compressed BLOBs
  • operations with rank: population count distances on bit-vector. Rank-Select operations are often used in succinct data structures, BitMagic implements a compact RS Index accelerated with SIMD and BMI (PDEP)

Ranges and Intervals (bmintervals.h)

BitMagic supports re-interpretation of bit-vectors as collections of non-overlapping ranges of 1s flanked with 0s (for example: 011110110). Regular set functions provide set intersect / unions intreval operations implement interval iterator and searches for interval boundaries. Ranges and intervals has great utility in bioinformatics, because genomics data are often annotated as coordinate ranges. BitMagic offers building blocks for effciient oprations on intervals encoded as bit-vectors (find interval start/end, check if range is an inetrval, iterate intervals

Three-Valued Logic (bm3vl.h)

BitMagic implements logical operations for 3-valued logic of True/False/Unknown (also trinary logic, trivalent, ternary) in compact two bit-vector representation, supporting Invert, AND, OR operations following Kleene's definitions.

Serialization with compression

BitMagic uses contept of two-stage serialization-deserialization. The focus is on fast deserialization. BitMagic implements API for fast vector range deserialization and gather deserialization of compressed BLOBs. The ultimate feature of BitMagic is ability to work with compressed data.

Stage One: succinct memory

This is the main in-RAM operational state, where vectors are kept in memory compact form. Succinct is NOT a compression. It is possible to access random elements in containers, decode blocks, iterate vectors, make updates, run search algorithms. Stage One offers transparent use, it vectors look much like STL. Succinct is memory compact but not fully compressed.

Stage Two: compression

BitMagic can serialize all containers and vectors with additional compression based on block of heuristics and codecs. The workhorse coding techniques are: Binary Interpolative Coding (BIC) and Elias Gamma.

BitMagic containers are called "sparse" vectors but in fact its compression schemes works well for both sparse and dense data.

BitMagic is tested on Gov2 benchmark set of inverted lists and number of proprietory data sets.


Deserialization always go back to Stage One, so data are not completely decoded but instead
succinct in RAM. Our goal here is to both reduce application memory footprint and improve deserialization latency. Decompression algorithms support deserialization of arbitrary ranges or even gather deserializatin of elements.

Succinct vectors

BitMagic supports succinct (memory compact) vectors based on bit-transposition transform
also known as bit-plane compression (BPC) (aka bit-slicing) plus Rank-Select compression. BitMagic succint vectors somewhat misleadingly labeled "sparse" but they work for dense vectors just fine.

Bit transposition solves two purposes: free unused bit plains and isolate regularity and entropy into separate (sparse) bit-vectors. Compression on bit-planes offers both superior memory performance and fast search. One of the design goals to perform index free searches on succinct vectros using fast vectorized logical operations.

BitMagic succinct vectors are index-free searchable in memory compressed form. It is fast!

Succinct bit-transposed implementation works well for both integer vectors (signed or unsigned) as well as string vectors. It rivals other succinct schemes like prefix trees. Succinct vectors can be both sorted and unsorted. The idea here is similar to Apache Arrow-Parquet, but it takes it farther with bit-plane compression and extensive use of accelerated Rank-Select compression.

  • bit-transposed representation offers best memory footprint for numeric vectors when data uses numbers with limited or variable bit rate. If data needs just 27 bits succinct vector will use just that and not the nearest natural 32-bit type. It is adaptive and completely automatic.
  • If string vector needs just a few bits to represent a char in particular position (DNA strings, chemical compounds as smiles, etc. ) BitMagic has an option to do transparent remapping, so DNA string vector would use just 2-3 bits (for ATGCN alphabet), remapping analyses frequencies and similar to Huffman.
  • Rank-Select approach allows to collapse all NULL values and save RAM
  • For deeper compression BitMagic also implements XOR filter which finds possible correlations between bit-planes to reduce enthropy

Main features

  • sparse vector(s) for native int types using bitwise slicing and separate compression of bit-slices, with support of NULL values (unassigned) for construction of in-memory columnar structures. Bit-transposed sparse vectors can be used for on-the fly compression of astronomical, molecular biology or other data, efficient store of associations for graphs, etc.
  • search algorithms for sorted and unsorted succinct vectors (vectors of ints or strings)
  • algorithms on sparse vectors: dynamic range clipping, search, group theory image (re-mapping).
  • all containers are serializable with compression (XOR coding, binary interpolative coding, elias gamma coding)
  • support for succinct immutable vectors. Vectors can be turned read-only, sparse memory blocks rearranged to defragment the heap, save memory and facilitate better CPU cache resue

Serialization and versioning

BitMagic supports serialization (protocol) evolution - if serialization format changes, old saved data remains readable by the new code. Old code will NOT be able to read new BLOBs. BitMagic changes major version number when serialization format changes.

Memory profiling/monitoring

BitMagic implements memory profiling calls for all vectors. Any vector can be sampled for memory footprint so the top level system can adapt memory managemnet based on the runtime memory profiling. Typical use case is memory cache of objects with compression to RAM and then to eviction to disk based on resource consumption and costs (dynamic balance of demand and supply).

64-bit vs 32-bit

Yes! BitMagic supports 64-bit, can be used with 32-bit address space (less overhead) or full 64-bit address space. 32-bit address space is the default mode 2^31-1 elements should be a good fit for short to medium range IR and data science systems. 64-bit address mode is available using #define BM64ADDR or #include "bm64.h". Current 64-bit implementation allows 2^48-1 vector elements for large scale systems.

WebAssembly and WebAssembly SIMD

BitMagic compiles and work with WebAssmbly (emscripten). Latest versions includes multiple tweaks, specific for the platform. Performance numbers are close to native code without SIMD (sometimes afster). Sample compile line would look like:

emcc -std=c++17 -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1 -O2 -s WASM=1 ...

WebAssembly SIMD is supported but it is not ON by default. Use: #define BMWASMSIMDOPT to enable it. Emscripten cmd example:

emcc -std=c++17 -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1 -O2 -msse4.2 -msimd128 -D BMWASMSIMDOPT -s WASM=1 -s DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING=0 -fno-rtti

Current implementation uses SSE4.2 trans-compilation (via intrinsics), so -msse4.2 is necessary.


BitMagic fully supports ARM CPU. All releases are stress tested with Raspberry Pi 4. BitMagic implements some algorithmic tweaks and improvements specific for ARM (like use of LZCNT instruction). BitMagic succinct containers can be very useful on embedded systems for edge computing with limited amount of available memory.

Arm Neon SIMD support is available (via SSE2NEON library).

C-library interface:

  • BitMagic library provides C-library wrapper, which builds as a "true C" library. For redistribution it does NOT require C++ Runtime, because it compiles without use of STL, C++ memory allocation (operator new) or exceptions. Our goal here is to eventually provide a bridge to other languiages of data science (Python) and languages of enterprise scale development (Java, Scala) via JNI.

Features In Progress:

  • compressed binary relational and adjacency matrixes and operations on matrixes for Entity-Relationship acceleration, graph operations, social analyticsm materialized RDBMS joins, etc

How to start with BitMagic?

BitMagic C++ is a header only library (easy to build and use in your project) and it comes with a set of examples. It is NOT advised to use tests as a code example to study library usage. Tests do not illustate the best usage patterns and models and often intentionally inefficient.

API documentation and examples:

Tutorial for Algebra of Sets:

Use Cases and Application notes:

Technical notes on performance optmization:



Apache 2.0.

Important! We ask you to explicitly mention BitMagic project in any derived work or our published materials. Proper reference on your product/project page is a REQUIREMENT for using BitMagic Library.

Quality Assurance:

BitMagic library pays serious attention to code quality and test coverage.
As a building blocks library BitMagic needs to be stable and conformant to be useful.

We do not rely on unit tests alone, our tests often use "chaos testing" (aka fuzzing) where stress tests are based on randomized, generated sets and randomized operations. We regularly build and run test suits for Release and Debug mode for various combinations of SIMD optimizations.

All variants of test builds take days to run, so the working master branch is NOT guaranteed to be perfect all the time. For production please use stable github release branches or distributions from SourceForge:

If you want to contribute or support BitMagic library:

  1. GitHub master accepts patch requests Our branching policy is that master cannot be considered fully stable between the releases. (for production stability please use release versions)

  2. Need help with mappings to Python and other languages (BitMagic has C bindings)

How to build BitMagic C++ library:

BitMagic C++ is a header-only software package and you probably can just take the sources and put it into your project directly. All C++ library sources/headers are in src directory.

However if you want to use our makefiles you need to follow the next simple instructions:


  1. Traditional (in-place build)

Apply a few environment variables by runing in the project root directory:

$ source ./

(please use "." "./" to apply root environment variable)

use GNU make (gmake) to build installation.

$make rebuild

or (DEBUG version)

$gmake DEBUG=YES rebuild

The default compiler on Unix and CygWin is g++. If you want to change the default you can do that in (should be pretty easy to do)

  1. CMake based build Project now comes with a set of makefiles for cmake, you can just build it or generate project files for any cmake-supported environment.

If you use cygwin installation please follow general Unix recommendations. MSVC - solution and projects are available via CMAKE.


Xcode - project files are available via CMAKE.

BitMagic library for C and JNI mappings.

BitMagic library is available for C language (this is work in progress). The main objective of C build is to bridge BitMagic into other programming languages. C build is in the subdirectory "lang-maps".

C build creates versions of BitMagic build for SSE and AVX and adds CPU identification, so the upper level system can support dynamic CPU identification and code dispatch.

C build uses C++ compiler, but does not use RTTI, exceptions (simulated with long jump) and C++ memory management, so it is C++ language neutral, without runtime dependencies. Algorithms and behavior are shared between C and C++.

Current state of development:

  • bit-vector functionality is available via C interface

Python support

Python support is pending and we need help here. If you are enthusiastic about Python and think you can help please contact: anatoliy.kuznetsov @ yahoo dot com

Modern C++ (C++17)

BitMagic library requires CXX-11. It uses move semantics, noexept, initalizer lists, threads. Next public version will use CXX-17 (constexpr ifs, etc).

###Fine tuning and optimizations:

All BitMagic fine tuning parameters are controlled by the preprocessor defines (and target arch. specific compiler keys for code generation).

#define Description Width
BMSSE2OPT SSE2 code optimizations 128-bit
BMSSE42OPT SSE4.2 code optimizations plus POPCNT, BSF, etc 128-bit
BMAVX2OPT AVX2, POPCNT, LZCNT, BMI1, BMI2 optimizations 256-bit
BMAVX512OPT AVX-512, (experimental) 512-bit
BMWASMSIMDOPT WebAssembly SIMD optimizations (via SSE4.2) 128-bit
DBMNEONOPT Arm Neon SIMD optimizations (via SSE2 translation) 128-bit


SIMD optimization defines are mutually exclusive, you can NOT have BMSSE42OPT and BMAVX2OPT at the same time. Pick just one.

BM library does NOT support multiple code paths and runtime CPU identification. You have to build specifically for your target system or use default portable build.


BitMagic examples and tests can be build with GCC using cmd-line settings:




It automatically applies the right set of compiler (GCC) flags for the target build.


cd build



BM library supports "restrict" keyword, some compilers (for example Intel C++) generate better code (out of order load-stores) when restrict keyword is helping. This option is turned OFF by default since most of the C++ compilers does not support it. To turn it ON please #define BM_HASRESTRICT in your project. Some compilers use "__restrict" keyword for this purpose. To correct it define BMRESTRICT macro to correct keyword.

If you want to use BM library in a "no-STL project" (like embedded systems) define BM_NO_STL.

This rule only applies to the core bm::bvector<> methods. Auxiliary algorithms, examples, etc would still use STL.

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