useful / playful functions for making maps.
is any of this code perfect and error free? no. absolutely not.
feel free to use/modify/adapt and improve. if you make any maps with the code here, it'd be nice to see what you've done. feel free to share it with me.
there is some example code in the examples.ipynb
and here are some outputs:
(there is probably a better way to do this, but this is how i use it)
clone this repo, and cd
into the directory
to install into a conda environment:
conda-develop . -n <env-name>
import mapping_funcs as mf
the conda environment is in: environment.yml
this includes lots of other packages that are not reqd. it just happens to be the environment that i use.
at a minimum the required packages are:
contourpy, cartopy, geopandas, matplotlib, numpy, pystac-client, pyproj, planetary-computer, rasterio, rioxarray, shapely, scipy, shapelysmooth, skimage, stackstac, xarray, xarray-spatial
ideally provide a link back to here, or