Command line based password manager
It's a bad practice to leave credentials in plain-text files in our laptops, and for local scripts Hashicorp vault is over kill.
Command line secret manager
secrets [flags]
secrets [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
get Retrieves a secret
help Help about any command
init Initialize the secrets database
lock Locks the secrets database
set Sets a secret
unlock Unlocks the secrets database
-h, --help help for secrets
Use "secrets [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Initialize Database:
$ secrets init
Creating a new secrets database
Please enter password for the new database:
Please confirm password:
2022/05/09 13:01:02 Database /Users/tiago/.secrets/db.kdbx created
Create Secret:
$ secrets set --service foo --account --password pass123
Read secret:
$ secrets get --service foo