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Code for paper on ICRA 2022 workshop on Deformable Object Manipulation. In this work we learn keypoints from synthetic data for robotic cloth folding.

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This project was continued here, where we delved deeper into synthetic data generation for various cloth categories.

Learning Keypoints from Synthetic Data

for Robotic Cloth Folding

Thomas Lips, Victor-Louis De Gusseme, Francis wyffels
AI and Robotics Lab (AIRO) , Ghent University
2nd workshop on Representing and Manipulating Deformable Objects (RMDO)
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2022

Paper | Poster | Spotlight Talk | Technical Video

In this work we learn to detect the corners of cloth items. We use procedural data generation to train a convolutional neural network from synthetic data, enabling low-cost data collection. We evaluate the zero-shot performance of this network on a unimanual robot setup for folding towels and find that the grasp and fold success rates are 77% and 53%, respectively. We conclude that learning keypoint detectors from synthetic data for such tasks is a promising research direction, discuss some failures and relate them to future work.

The codebase has 3 main components:

Procedural Data Generation

Keypoint Detection

Robot Folding

We also provide the pretrained weights and all training logs.

Data Generation

To generate synthetic images of unfolded cloths, we make use of Blender, version 3.0.1 Additionally, we use the excellent BlenderProc library and our own Blender-toolbox. The pipeline is shown in the figure below, for more details we refer to the paper.

Local Installation

  • run cd data-generation && bash to install blender and the dependencies, as well as to download all the assets (might take a while).

Data generation

  • to create a scene, run blender-3.0.1-linux-x64/./blender --python data-generation/towel/towel/ in the data-generation folder of this repository. Blender will now open and you should see the scene.
  • to generate the entire dataset used in this work, run /blender-3.0.1-linux-x64/./blender --python data-generation/towel/towel/ -- --amount_of_samples 30000 --resolution 256 --start_seed 0. By default the dataset will be created in home/datasets but this can be changed if desired.

Keypoint Detection

The keypoint detection code can be found here:

Local Installation

  • git clone the repo at the specific commit using git clone && git checkout c793f3cf6d803d942054a36ae9b44c410cffa2b3 in the keypoints folder.
  • Follow the instructions at to install the dependencies.


  • To train on the dataset created: python /keypoints/keypoint-detection/keypoint_detection/train/ --ap_epoch_freq=5 --ap_epoch_start=5 --auto_select_gpus=True --backbone_type=Unet --batch_size=64 --early_stopping_relative_threshold=-0.01 --gpus=1 --heatmap_sigma=2 --image_dataset_path=<path-to-dataset> --json_dataset_path=<path-to-dataset>/dataset.json --keypoint_channel_max_keypoints=4 --keypoint_channels=corner_keypoints_visible --learning_rate=0.0003 --log_every_n_steps=20 --lr_scheduler_relative_threshold=0.005 --max_epochs=16 --maximal_gt_keypoint_pixel_distances="2 4" --minimal_keypoint_extraction_pixel_distance=30 --n_channels=32 --n_downsampling_layers=2 --n_resnet_blocks=16 --num_sanity_val_steps=1 --num_workers=4 --precision=32 --validation_split_ratio=0.1 --wandb_entity <your-wandb-profile>
  • All training details, as well as the model checkpoints can be found at
  • To use the trained model for inference, see below.


Local installation

  • This work uses a UR3e, ZED2i and Robotiq-2F85 gripper. If you have different hardware, you will need to handpick the relevant parts of the code in the robot/ folder.
  • print 2 fingers using Flexfill-98 TPU filament. The .stl file can be found under static/cad/
  • pip install opencv2: pip install opencv-contrib-python== in the conda environment of the keypoint detection code
  • clone the unreleased dependencies using vcs import robot < robot/dependencies.repos
  • pip install them in the same python environment as the keypoint detection code

Robotic Folding

  • determine your camera extrinsics using an Aruco marker and the file, this will create a marker.pickle file.
  • Measure the position of your marker to the robot base frame manually and update the code at line 11 of robot/ Orientations are not supported so make sure to allign the marker to the base frame of the robot.
  • to manually mark the keypoints (to test the trajectories): python robot/
  • to detect the keypoints using the pretrained weights (model.ckpt) and exectute the fold: python robot/

All images from the evaluation can be found here.


  title={Learning Keypoints from Synthetic Data for Robotic Cloth Folding},
  author={Lips, Thomas and De Gusseme, Victor-Louis and others},
  journal={2nd workshop on Representing and Manipulating Deformable Objects - ICRA},


Code for paper on ICRA 2022 workshop on Deformable Object Manipulation. In this work we learn keypoints from synthetic data for robotic cloth folding.







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