Elixir interface to Stan, inspired by the Python project CmdStanPy. Why should Python programmers have all the Bayesian fun?
I'm interested in developping probabilistic programming languages that compile to Stan. I have found that doing so in Python is pretty inconvenient. I have decided to give Elixir a try to see how far I can go.
The package must be installed from GitHub. It's not currently stable enough to be uploaded to Hex.
Se the example in the tests. Relevant code:
alias Ulam.Stan.StanModel
# Some simple data for the model
data = %{
N: 10,
y: [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
# Compile the model from the stan program file
model = StanModel.compile_file("test/stan/models/bernoulli/bernoulli.stan")
# Sample from the model and save it in a dataframe
dataframe =
StanModel.sample(model, data,
nr_of_samples: 1000,
nr_of_warmup_samples: 1000,
nr_of_chains: 8,
show_progress_bars: false