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Hypr S3C | Nvidia | Advanced tilling window manager on Wayland Hypr

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Is the main idea on fully advanced tilling window manager and wayland based system, hyprland is the most futuristic tilling windows manager wayland based , and the most fluent and productive TWM, ideea behind is taking it to another level in terms of security and daily productivity is concerned, Hypr-S3C is in continuous development in implementations and improvements of appearance and speed of work, as well as implementations of cybersecurity tools and frameworks, all wayland supported and safe.

Im pretty sure you are coming from Xorg:

Wayland info (especially useful for Xorg users)

A Wayland compositor is a fully autonomous Display Server, like Xorg itself. It is not possible to mix’n’match Wayland compositors like you could on Xorg with window managers and compositors. It is also not entirely possible, nor recommended, to try and use all Xorg applications on Wayland. See this page for a list of recommended Wayland native/compatible programs.

IMPORTANT: Wayland compositors should not be confused with Xorg window managers

see more on [Hypr Wiki] (

From here proceed, only with fresh vanilla installation on arch linux (recommended) also debian an gentoo are fully supported.

This is Hardware fully instalation, no VM's here, so take in account this

Im not fan of automatic things, the ideea behind here is the Learning

⛔  Continuous development some things can break, keep it in mind, and you have to deal with it.

I Share knowledge. Website


Master Installation


You can use pacman or paru, I like yay.

pacman -S --needed git base-devel
git clone
cd yay
makepkg -si

# delete yay files after the completion (optional) 
cd .. && rm -rf yay


Nvidia only, proceed if you own an nvidia card, if not skip this master installation , and proceed above

IMPORTANT: Install nvidia from tty, dont'proceed with hypr.

**This is my personal conf\installation on nvidia, with modifications i did, and skiping foolishness

Hardware where i got to work nvidia and hypr, with no issues, i can cofirnm is running as FIRE:

  • Asus RogStrix G15 with NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Laptop GPU
  • Acer Nitro 5 with Nvidia Geforce GTX 1050 (mobile) Laptop GPU



Proceed with nvida:


Add modules for nvidia:

cd /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
sudo neovim mkinitcpio.conf

if mkinitcpio.conf is not there, create it.

Add this into MODULES=() exactly like this, into brackets:

nvidia nvidia_modeset nvidia_uvm nvidia_drm

Create the Image:

sudo mkinitpcio -P linux


If you have linut-lts, linux-zen use: sudo mkinitpcio -P linux-lts , and asap.

Now final Important step:

If nvidia.conf is not there, make touch nvidia.conf and ready.

cd /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia.conf
sudo neovim nvidia.conf

Add this:

options nvidia-drm modeset=1

Nvidia Env

Add this into your hypr.conf.

Proceed with caution with this variables, you can broke hypr from loading.

GMB_BACKEND in usualy not working good in my case, proceed if you know what are you doing.

# Nvidia Only
env = LIBVA_DRIVER_NAME,nvidia
env = XDG_SESSION_TYPE,wayland
#env = GBM_BACKEND,nvidia-drm  # high risk, use it at your own risk.

Take in account that u must reboot after all this, but proceed with hypr master install and all dependencies and reboot later, but dont'forget it!

Hypr Master

Type Package(s)
Hyprland Dependencies hyprland-git qt5-wayland qt5ct qt6-wayland qt6ct qt5-svg qt5-quickcontrols2 qt5-graphicaleffects gtk3 polkit-gnome pipewire wireplumber gvfs
Library and Depend(s) python-requests pacman-contrib jq gcc12
Clipboard wl-clipboard cliphist
Bar waybar-hyprland-git
Launcher wofi-git
Lock-Screen swaylock-effects
XDG Desktop Portal xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland-git
Wallpaper Setter hyprpaper-git
Terminal kitty
Notification(s) dunst
Audio pamixer pavucontrol pipewire-pulse
Bluetooth bluez bluez-utils blueman
Brightness (only Laptop) brightnessctl
Network Manager network-manager-applet
Archive Explorer ranger
Themer nwg-look
Screen Capture and Tools grimblast-git slurp swappy
Audio Player mpv
Log-Out Manager wlogout
Browser brave
Fonts ttf-font-awesome otf-font-awesome
Icons ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols ttf-font-icons sway-dynamic-names-git
(Opcional) Archive Explorer GUI thunar thunar-archive-plugin file-roller fmpegthumbnailer

With all this installed, now you can reboot, and login into Hyprland.

Take in account that im not using login manager, like sddm or others, i use tty, im not fan of login managers and GUI stuffs

tmcyber Hypr-S3C Master

Mi wiki with additionals stuff(s), and tools

Opcional, it's not mandatory

Type Package(s)
Extra Fonts noto-fonts-emoji nerd-fonts-complete-mono-glyphs ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols-commons papirus-icon-theme dunst otf-sora ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols-common otf-firamono-nerd inter-font ttf-fantasque-nerd noto-fonts noto-fonts-emoji ttf-comfortaa ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd ttf-icomoon-feather ttf-iosevka-nerd adobe-source-code-pro-fonts
Extra Icons
Extra Themes nordic-theme
Mail thunderbird proton
Fetch nitch
Misc btop
RSS News newsboat
Shell zsh
Terminal Prompt starship
Networking net-tools
Multipurpose relay socat
Coder visual-studio-code-bin dotnet-sdk dotnet-runtime dotnet-sdk
Editor Code geany
Text Editor neovim
Browser torbrowser-launcher
Anonymizing tor torsocks onionshare
VPN Mullvad
Latest Cyber News
Socks python-pysocks shadowsocks
Recorder wf-recorder
Stream obs-studio
Plugin for Voice noise-suppression-for-voice

GTK Theme and Icons Master

I use nwg-look and xfce4-settings to apply the theme and icons.

cd ~/Downloads
git clone

# Installs theme
sudo cp -r Tokyo-Night-GTK-Theme/themes/Tokyonight-Dark-BL-LB /usr/share/themes/

# Installs icons
sudo cp -r Tokyo-Night-GTK-Theme/icons/Tokyonight-Dark /usr/share/icons/

# Deletes folder
rm -r Tokyo-Night-GTK-Theme/

S3C Tools with Black Arch Arsenal

All Hacking tools from one script over arch

Im not fan of kali and parrot they are privative, i usualy do my own job

Install script:

curl -O

Check hash:



chmod +x


sudo ./

Edit mirrors:

sudo neovim /etc/pacman.d/blackarch-mirrorlist

I always use germany mirror, never was failled. Choose based on your location, choose one near you



sudo pacman -Syy

Ready! We already have the Blackarch arsenal within our reach, but we are not done yet. We must uncomment the Multilib repo to install some tools properly.

Basic commands

Use pacman or yay, yay is the most updated always.

Install all black arch tools

$ pacman -S blackarch

List all available arsenal

$pacman -Sgg | grep blackarch | cut -d' ' -f2 | sort -u

List available groups.

$pacman -Sg | Anonymizing grep blackarch

List the tools that make up each group (p/e wireless).

$ pacman -Sg blackarch-wireless

Install a complete set of tools.

$ sudo pacman -S blackarch-wireless

Install a package from the Blackarch repo. This command is useful when you need a package from a specific repo.

$ sudo pacman -S blackarch/nmap

Tor Control Center

Using Tor is a great way to maintain anonymity on the internet. It’s totally free and only takes a few minutes to configure. You can exercise a lot of control over your Tor connection if you take a little time to understand how the control port works, as we’ve shown you here.

Setup tor proxy on Arch Linux


  1. Install tor

         $ sudo pacman -S tor
         $ ## nyx provides a terminal status monitor for bandwidth usage, connection details and more.
         ## im asuming you already have a tor launcher.
         $ sudo pacman -S torsocks
  2. Start the tor service

         $ sudo systemctl enable --now tor.service
  3. By default, Tor runs on port 9050. Check it

         $ systemctl status tor.service
         $ ss -nlt

Test Tor Network Connection

  1. Check your current public IP address

         $ wget -qO -; echo
         # your public ip adress
  2. Torify the command through the torsocks

         $ torsocks wget -qO -; echo
         $ ## must show a different ip address

Torify your Shell

  1. torify the shell, issue

         $ source torsocks on
         $ wget -qO -; echo
         $ ## must show the ip address of tor node
  2. To turn on torsocks permanently for all new shells add it to .bashrc

         $ echo ". torsocks on" >> ~/.bashrc
  3. If you want to turn torsocks off, try

         $ source torsocks off

Enable the Tor control port

  1. Add to your /etc/tor/torrc

          ControlPort 9051
  2. Set a Tor Control password

    Convert your password from plain-text to hash

         $ set +o history # unset bash history
         $ tor --hash-password your_password
         $ set -o history # set bash history
  3. Add that hash to your /etc/tor/torrc

         HashedControlPassword your_hash
  4. Restart tor

        $ sudo systemctl restart tor.service
  5. Check the status of port 9051

        $ ss -nlt

Test your tor control port

  1. Install gnu-netcat

          $ sudo pacman -S gnu-netcat
  2. To test your tor use

        $ echo -e 'PROTOCOLINFO\r\n' | nc 9051
  3. To request a new circuit (IP address) from Tor, use

        $ set +o history
        $ echo -e 'AUTHENTICATE "my-tor-password"\r\nsignal NEWNYM\r\nQUIT' | nc 9051
        $ set -o history

Chromium S3C

Only if you gonna use chromium.

Chrome Store:

UBlock Origin
Privacy Badger
Luminous: Javascript Events Blocker
Privacy Settings

Good Practices:

Block third-party cookies.

Clean History when leave.

Clean cookies every day. YES every day!

Rog Control Center

Only if you own a Rog Strix , if not skip this.

Asus Linux


Patch for Flickering/Glitching on Second Monitors on Nvidia:

hyprland-nvidia (AUR)
hyprland-nvidia-git (AUR)

If is asking for Replace hyprland-git with hyprland-nvidia-git , say Yes.


Icons for waybar/starship


Extra Pumping Icons TopTal Solid


.wallapers must be placed in your /home/yourusername/.wallapers

path is defined in hyprpaper.conf

do it your way, if you not agree .






Hypr S3C | Nvidia | Advanced tilling window manager on Wayland Hypr






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