Common modules for our dApps
Common redux modules for dApps
This module takes care of connecting to MetaMask/Ledger, and insert in the state some useful information like address, network, mana and derivationPath.
You can use the following selectors importing them from decentraland-dapps/dist/modules/wallet/selectors
getData = (state: State) => BaseWallet
getError = (state: State) => string
getNetwork = (state: State) =>
'mainnet' | 'ropsten' | 'rinkeby' | 'kovan' | 'localhost'
getAddress = (state: State) => string
isConnected = (state: State) => boolean
isConnecting = (state: State) => boolean
Also you can hook to the following actions from your reducers/sagas by importing them from decentraland-dapps/dist/modules/wallet/actions
Also you can import types for those actions from that same file:
This is an example of how you can wait for the CONNECT_WALLET_SUCCESS
action to trigger other actions:
// modules/something/sagas.ts
import {
} from 'decentraland-dapps/dist/modules/wallet/actions'
import { fetchSomethingRequest } from './actions'
export function* saga() {
yield takeLatest(CONNECT_WALLET_SUCCESS, handleConnectWalletSuccess)
function* handleConnectWalletSuccess(action: ConnectWalletSuccessAction) {
yield put(fetchSomethingRequest())
In order to install this module you will need to add a provider, a reducer and a saga to your dapps.
Add the <WalletProvider>
as a child of your redux
provider. If you use react-router-redux
or connected-react-router
make sure the <ConnectedRouter>
is a child of the <WalletProvider>
and not the other way around, like this:
import * as React from 'react'
import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import { Provider } from 'react-redux'
import { ConnectedRouter } from 'connected-react-router'
import WalletProvider from 'decentraland-dapps/dist/providers/WalletProvider'
import { store, history } from './store'
<Provider store={store}>
<ConnectedRouter history={history}>{/* Your App */}</ConnectedRouter>
Import the walletReducer
and add it at the root level of your dApp's reducer as wallet
, like this:
import { combineReducers } from 'redux'
import { walletReducer as wallet } from 'decentraland-dapps/dist/modules/wallet/reducer'
export const rootReducer = combineReducers({
// your other reducers
You will need to create a walletSaga
and add it to your rootSaga
import { all } from 'redux-saga/effects'
import { walletSaga } from 'decentraland-dapps/dist/modules/wallet/sagas'
export function* rootSaga() {
yield all([
// your other sagas here
The storage module allows you to save parts of the redux store in localStorage to make them persistent and migrate it from different versions without loosing it.
This module is required to use other modules like Transaction
, Translation
and Wallet
You need to add a middleware and two reducers to your dApp.
You will need to create a storageMiddleware
and add apply it along with your other middlewares:
// store.ts
import { applyMiddleware, compose, createStore } from 'redux'
import { createStorageMiddleware } from 'decentraland-dapps/dist/modules/storage/middleware'
import { migrations } from './migrations'
const composeEnhancers =
(window as any).__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION_COMPOSE__ || compose
const { storageMiddleware, loadStorageMiddleware } = createStorageMiddleware({
storageKey: 'storage-key' // this is the key used to save the state in localStorage (required)
paths: [] // array of paths from state to be persisted (optional)
actions: [] // array of actions types that will trigger a SAVE (optional)
migrations: migrations // migration object that will migrate your localstorage (optional)
const middleware = applyMiddleware(
// your other middlewares
const enhancer = composeEnhancers(middleware)
const store = createStore(rootReducer, enhancer)
looks like
export const migrations = {
2: migrateToVersion2(data),
3: migrateToVersion3(data)
Where every key
represent a migration and every method
should return the new localstorage data:
function migrateToVersion2(data) {
return omit(data, 'translations')
You don't need to care about updating the version of the migration because it will be set automatically.
You will need to add storageReducer
as storage
to your rootReducer
and then wrap the whole reducer with storageReducerWrapper
import { combineReducers } from 'redux'
import {
storageReducer as storage,
} from 'decentraland-dapps/dist/modules/storage/reducer'
export const rootReducer = storageReducerWrapper(
// your other reducers
This module is necessary to use other modules like Transaction
, Translation
and Wallet
, but you can also use it to make other parts of your dApp's state persistent
Learn More
The first parameter of createStorageMiddleware
is the key used to store the state data in localStorage (required).
The second parameter is an array of paths from the state that you want to be stored, ie:
const paths = [['invites'][('user', 'name')]]
That will make state.invites
persistent. This parameter is optional and you don't have to configure it to use the Transaction
and/or Translation
The third parameter is an array of action types that will trigger a SAVE of the state in localStorage, ie:
const actionTypes = [SEND_INVITE_SUCCESS]
This parameter is optional and is and you don't have to configure it to use the Transaction
and/or Translation
The transaction module allows you to watch for pending transactions and keep track of the transaction history.
This module requires you to install the Storage module in order to work.
When you have an action that creates a transaction and you want to watch it, you can do with buildTransactionPayload
import { action } from 'typesafe-actions'
import { buildTransactionPayload } from 'decentraland-dapps/dist/modules/transaction/utils'
// Send Invite
export const SEND_INVITE_REQUEST = '[Request] Send Invite'
export const SEND_INVITE_SUCCESS = '[Success] Send Invite'
export const SEND_INVITE_FAILURE = '[Failure] Send Invite'
export const sendInvitesRequest = (address: string) =>
export const sendInvitesSuccess = (txHash: string, address: string) =>
...buildTransactionPayload(txHash, {
export const sendInvitesFailure = (address: string, errorMessage: string) =>
export type SendInvitesRequestAction = ReturnType<typeof sendInvitesRequest>
export type SendInvitesSuccessAction = ReturnType<typeof sendInvitesSuccess>
export type SendInvitesFailureAction = ReturnType<typeof sendInvitesFailure>
Or buildTransactionWithReceiptPayload
if you need the tx event logs
export const sendInvitesSuccess = (txHash: string, address: string) =>
...buildTransactionWithReceiptPayload(txHash, {
It will save the event logs inside { receipt: { logs: [] } }
after the tx was confirmed
Then you can use the selectors getPendingTransactions
and getTransactionHistory
from decentraland-dapps/dist/modules/transaction/selectors
to get the list of pending transactions and the transaction history.
You need to add a middleware, a reducer and a saga to use this module.
Create the transactionMiddleware
and apply it
// store.ts
import { createTransactionMiddleware } from 'decentraland-dapps/dist/modules/transaction/middleware'
const transactionMiddleware = createTransactionMiddleware()
const middleware = applyMiddleware(
// your other middlewares
Add transactionReducer
as transaction
to your rootReducer
import { combineReducers } from 'redux'
import { transactionReducer as transaction } from 'decentraland-dapps/dist/modules/transaction/reducer'
export const rootReducer = combineReducers({
// your other reducers
Add transactionSaga
to your rootSaga
import { all } from 'redux-saga/effects'
import { transactionSaga } from 'decentraland-dapps/dist/modules/transaction/sagas'
export function* rootSaga() {
yield all([
// your other sagas
You can make your reducers listen to confirmed transactions and update your state accordingly
Learn More
Taking the example of the SEND_INVITE_SUCCESS
action type shown in the Usage
section above, let's say we want to decrement the amount of available invites after the transaction is mined, we can do so by adding the FETCH_TRANSACTION_SUCCESS
action type in our reducer:
// modules/invite/reducer
import { AnyAction } from 'redux'
import { loadingReducer } from 'decentraland-dapps/dist/modules/loading/reducer'
import {
} from './actions'
+ import { FETCH_TRANSACTION_SUCCESS, FetchTransactionSuccessAction } from 'decentraland-dapps/dist/modules/transaction/actions';
export type InviteState = {
loading: AnyAction[]
data: {
[address: string]: number
error: null | string
export type InviteReducerAction =
| FetchInvitesRequestAction
| FetchInvitesSuccessAction
| FetchInvitesFailureAction
+ | FetchTransactionSuccessAction
export const INITIAL_STATE: InviteState = {
loading: [],
data: {},
error: null
export function invitesReducer(
state: InviteState = INITIAL_STATE,
action: InviteReducerAction
): InviteState {
switch (action.type) {
return {
loading: loadingReducer(state.loading, action)
return {
loading: loadingReducer(state.loading, action),
data: {,
[action.payload.address]: action.payload.amount
error: null
return {
loading: loadingReducer(state.loading, action),
error: action.payload.errorMessage
+ const { transaction } = action.payload
+ switch (transaction.actionType) {
+ const { address } = (transaction as any).payload
+ return {
+ ...state,
+ data: {
+ [address]:[address] - 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ default:
+ return state
+ }
+ }
default: {
return state
This module allows you to do i18n.
This module has an optional dependency on Storage module to cache translations and boot the application faster. To learn more read the Advanced Usage
section of this module.
Using the helper t()
you can add translations to your dApp
import * as React from 'react'
import { t } from 'decentraland-dapps/dist/modules/translation/utils'
export default class BuyButton extends React.PureComponent {
render() {
return <button>{t('but_page.buy_button')}</button>
Then you just have to provide locale files like this:
"buy_page": {
"buy_button": "Buy"
"buy_page": {
"buy_button": "Comprar"
Yon can dispatch the changeLocale(locale: string)
action from decentraland-dapps/dist/modules/translation/actions
to change the language
You will need to add a provider, a reducer and a saga to use this module
Add the <TranslationProvider>
as a child of your redux
provider, passing the locales
that you want to support. If you use react-router-redux
or connected-react-router
make sure the <ConnectedRouter>
is a child of the <TranslationProvider>
and not the other way around, like this:
import * as React from 'react'
import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import { Provider } from 'react-redux'
import { ConnectedRouter } from 'connected-react-router'
import TranslationProvider from 'decentraland-dapps/dist/providers/TranslationProvider'
import { store, history } from './store'
<Provider store={store}>
<TranslationProvider locales={['en', 'es', 'ko', 'zh']}>
<ConnectedRouter history={history}>{/* Your App */}</ConnectedRouter>
Add the translationReducer
as translation
to your rootReducer
import { combineReducers } from 'redux'
import { translationReducer as translation } from 'decentraland-dapps/dist/modules/translation/reducer'
export const rootReducer = combineReducers({
// your other reducers
Create a translationSaga
and add it to your rootSaga
. You need to provide an object containing all the translations, or a function that takes the locale
and returns a Promise
of the translations for that locale (you can use that to fetch the translations from a server instead of bundling them in the app). Here are examples for the two options:
- Bundling the translations in the dApp:
"buy_page": {
"buy_button": "Buy"
"buy_page": {
"buy_button": "Comprar"
const en = require('./en.json')
const es = require('./es.json')
export { en, es }
import { all } from 'redux-saga/effects'
import { createTranslationSaga } from 'decentraland-dapps/dist/modules/translation/sagas'
import * as translations from './translations'
export const translationSaga = createTranslationSaga({
export function* rootSaga() {
yield all([
// your other sagas
- Fetching translations from server
import { all } from 'redux-saga/effects'
import { createTranslationSaga } from 'decentraland-dapps/dist/modules/translation/sagas'
import { api } from 'lib/api'
export const translationSaga = createTranslationSaga({
getTranslation: locale => api.fetchTranslations(locale)
export function* rootSaga() {
yield all([
// your other sagas
Read the Advanced Usage
section below to learn how to cache translations and make your application boot faster.
You can use the Storage module to cache translations (read 2. Fetching translations from server
Learn More
After installing the Storage module you can persist the translations by adding 'translation'
to your storage middleware paths:
// store.ts
const { storageMiddleware, loadStorageMiddleware } = createStorageMiddleware({
storageKey: 'my-dapp-storage',
paths: ['translation']
This will store the translation module in localStorage
, so next time your application is started it will boot with all the translations populated before even fetching them from the server.
The analytics module let's integrate Segment into your dApp.
You need to have the Wallet
module installed in order to send identify
To send track
events, add an analytics.ts
file and require it from your entry point, and use the add()
helper to add actions that you want to track:
// analytics.ts
import { add } from 'decentraland-dapps/dist/modules/analytics/utils'
import {
} from 'modules/vote/actions'
add(CREATE_VOTE_SUCCESS, 'Vote', (action: CreateVoteSuccessAction) => ({
address: action.payload.wallet.address
The first parameter is the action type that you want to track (required).
The second parameter is the event name for that action (it will show up with that name in Segment). If none provided the action type will be used as the event name.
The third parameter is a function that takes the action and returns the data that you want to associate with that event (it will be sent to Segment). If none is provided the whole action will be sent.
You need to apply a middleware and a saga to use this module
// store.ts
import { createAnalyticsMiddleware } from '@dapps/modules/analytics/middleware'
const analyticsMiddleware = createAnalyticsMiddleware('SEGMENT WRITE KEY')
const middleware = applyMiddleware(
// your other middlewares
const enhancer = composeEnhancers(middleware)
const store = createStore(rootReducer, enhancer)
import { all } from 'redux-saga/effects'
import { analyticsSaga } from 'decentraland-dapps/dist/modules/analytics/sagas'
export function* rootSaga() {
yield all([
// your other sagas
This uses by defualt the '@@router/LOCATION_CHANGE'
action type to track page changes. If you need to use a different action type, you can do the following:
import { all } from 'redux-saga/effects'
import { createAnalyticsSaga } from 'decentraland-dapps/dist/modules/analytics/sagas'
const analyticsSaga = createAnalyticsSaga({
LOCATION_CHANGE: 'custom action type'
export function* rootSaga() {
yield all([
// your other sagas
You can use the same redux action type to generate different Segment events if you pass a function as the second parameter instead of a string:
action.isAuthorized ? 'Authorize LAND' : 'Unauthorize LAND'
The loading module is used to keep track of async actions in the state.
You can use the selectors isLoading(state)
and isLoadingType(state, ACTION_TYPE)
from decentraland-dapps/dist/modules/loading/selectors
to know if a domain has pending actions or if a specific action is still pending
In order to use these selectors you need to use the loadingReducer
within your domain reducers, here is an example:
import {
} from 'decentraland-dapps/dist/modules/loading/reducer'
import {
} from './actions'
export type InviteState = {
loading: LoadingState
data: {
[address: string]: number
error: null | string
export const INITIAL_STATE: InviteState = {
loading: [],
data: {},
error: null
export type InviteReducerAction =
| FetchInvitesRequestAction
| FetchInvitesSuccessAction
| FetchInvitesFailureAction
export function invitesReducer(
state: InviteState = INITIAL_STATE,
action: InviteReducerAction
): InviteState {
switch (action.type) {
return {
loading: loadingReducer(state.loading, action)
return {
loading: loadingReducer(state.loading, action),
data: {,
[action.payload.address]: action.payload.amount
error: null
return {
loading: loadingReducer(state.loading, action),
error: action.payload.errorMessage
default: {
return state
Now we can for example use the selector isLoadingType(state.invite.loading, FETCH_INVITES_REQUEST)
to know if that particular action is still pending, or isLoading(states.invite)
to know if there's any pending action for that domain.
Also, all the pending actions are stored in an array in state.invite.loading
so we can use that information in the UI if needed (i.e. disable a button)
Leverages redux state and provides actions to open and close each modal by name. It provides a few simple actions:
openModal(name: string, metadata: any = null)
closeModal(name: string)
toggleModal(name: sgtring)
It also provides a selector to get the open modals:
getOpenModals(state): ModalState
In order to use this module you need to add a reducer and a provider.
Add the <ModalProvider>
as a parent of your routes. It takes an object of { {modalName: string]: React.Component }
as a prop (components
). It'll use it to render the appropiate modal when you call openModal(name: string)
import * as React from 'react'
import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import { Provider } from 'react-redux'
import { ConnectedRouter } from 'connected-react-router'
import ModalProvider from 'decentraland-dapps/dist/providers/ModalProvider'
import * as modals from 'components/Modals'
import { store, history } from './store'
<Provider store={store}>
<ModalProvider components={modals}>
<ConnectedRouter history={history}>{/* Your App */}</ConnectedRouter>
where modals
could look like this:
// components/Modals/index.ts
export { default as HelpModal } from './HelpModal'
Each modal will receive the properties defined on the ModalComponent
type, found on modules/modal/types
, so for example:
import { Modal } from 'decentraland-ui'
import { ModalProps } from 'decentraland-dapps/dist/modules/modal/types'
type HelpModalProps = ModalProps & {
// Some custom props, maybe from a container
export default class HelpModal extends React.Component<HelpModalProps> {
render() {
const { name, metadata, onClose } = this.props
// The Modal component here can be whatever you like, just make sure to call onClose when you want to close it, to update the state
// For more examples check the advanced usage
return <Modal open={true} className={name} onClose={onClose} />
If want to use decentraland-ui's Modal but you don't want to repeat the open
, className
and onClose
props, you can use this module's Modal
Add the modalReducer
as modal
to your rootReducer
import { combineReducers } from 'redux'
import { modalReducer as modal } from 'decentraland-dapps/dist/modules/modal/reducer'
export const rootReducer = combineReducers({
// your other reducers
You can have add more strict typing to the actions:
Learn More
The modal actions allow for a generic type for the name. So say you want to type the name of your available modals, you can create a `modal` module in your dApp and add the following files:
// modules/types/actions.ts
import * as modals from 'components/Modals' // same import as the one use for <ModalProvider />
export ModalName = keyof typeof modals
// modules/modal/actions.ts
import { getModalActions } from 'decentraland-dapps/dist/modules/modal/actions'
import { ModalName } from './types'
const { openModal, closeModal, toggleModal } = getModalActions<ModalName>()
export * from 'decentraland-dapps/dist/modules/modal/actions'
export { openModal, closeModal, toggleModal }
Common libraries for dApps
The BaseAPI
class can be extended to make requests and it handles the unwrapping of responses by decentraland-server
// lib/api
import { BaseAPI } from 'decentraland-dapps/dist/lib/api'
const URL = 'http://localhost/api'
export class API extends BaseAPI {
fetchSomething() {
return this.request('get', '/something', {})
export const api = new API(URL)
Common containers for dApps
The <Navbar>
container can be used in the same way as the <Navbar>
component from decentraland-ui but it's already connected to the redux store. You can override any NavbarProp
if you want to connect differently, and you can pass all the regular NavbarProps
to it.
This container requires you to install the Wallet. It also has support for i18n out of the box if you include the Translation module.
This is an example of a SomePage
component that uses the <Navbar>
import * as React from 'react'
import { Container } from 'decentraland-ui'
import Navbar from 'decentraland-dapps/dist/containers/Navbar'
import './SomePage.css'
export default class SomePage extends React.PureComponent {
static defaultProps = {
children: null
render() {
const { children } = this.props
return (
<Navbar />
<div className="SomePage">
This <Navbar>
will show the user's blockie and mana balance because it is connected to the store.
If you are using the Translation module, the Navbar
contatiner comes with support for the 6 languages supported by the library.
You can override any of the default translations for any locale if you need to
Learn More
Say you want to override some translations in English, just include any or all of the following translations in your en.json
locale file:
"@dapps": {
"navbar": {
"account": {
"connecting": "Connecting...",
"signIn": "Sign In"
"menu": {
"agora": "Agora",
"blog": "Blog",
"docs": "Docs",
"marketplace": "Marketplace"
The <Footer>
container can be used in the same way as the <Footer>
component from decentraland-ui but it's already connected to the redux store. You can override any FooterProps
if you want to connect differently, and you can pass all the regular FooterProps
to it.
The <Footer>
container has support for i18n out of the box if you include the Translation module.
This is an example of a SomePage
component that uses the <Footer>
import * as React from 'react'
import { Container } from 'decentraland-ui'
import Navbar from 'decentraland-dapps/dist/containers/Navbar'
import './SomePage.css'
export default class SomePage extends React.PureComponent {
render() {
const { children } = this.props
return (
<div className="SomePage">
<Footer locales={['en', 'es']} />
This <Footer>
will show only English and Spanish as the options in the language dropdown. If you don't provide any it will use only English.
If you are using the Translation module, the Footer
contatiner comes with support for the 6 languages supported by the library.
You can override any of the default translations for any locale if you need to
Learn More
Say you want to override some translations in English, just include any or all of the following translations in your en.json
locale file:
"@dapps": {
"footer": {
"dropdown": {
"en": "English",
"es": "Spanish",
"fr": "French",
"ja": "Japanese",
"ko": "Korean",
"zh": "Chinese"
"links": {
"content": "Content Policy",
"ethics": "Code of Ethics",
"home": "Home",
"privacy": "Privacy Policy",
"terms": "Terms of Use"
The <SignInPage>
container can be used in the same way as the <SignIn>
component from decentraland-ui but it's already connected to the redux store. You can override any SignInProp
if you want to connect differently, and you can pass all the regular SignInProps
to it.
This container requires you to install the Wallet. It also has support for i18n out of the box if you include the Translation module.
You can import the <SignInPage>
container and use it on your routes:
import * as React from 'react'
import { Switch, Route } from 'react-router-dom'
import SignInPage from 'decentraland-dapps/dist/containers/SignInPage'
<Route exact path='/' component={...} />
{/* your dapps routes... */}
<Route exact path='/sign-in' component={SignInPage} />
If you are using the Translation module, the SignInPage
contatiner comes with support for the 6 languages supported by the library.
You can override any of the default translations for any locale if you need to
Learn More
Say you want to override some translations in English, just include any or all of the following translations in your en.json
locale file:
"@dapps": {
"sign_in": {
"connect": "Connect",
"connected": "Connected",
"connecting": "Connecting...",
"error": "Could not connect to wallet.",
"get_started": "Get Started",
"options": {
"desktop": "You can use the {metamask_link} extension or a hardware wallet like {ledger_nano_link}.",
"mobile": "You can use mobile browsers such as {coinbase_link} or {imtoken_link}."
The <Modal>
it's a shorthand for some common features used by modals provided to ModalProvider.
import * as React from 'react'
import Modal from 'decentraland-dapps/dist/containers/Modal'
export default class MyComponent extends React.PureComponent {
render() {
return (
const { name } = this.props
<Modal name={name} {/* Other Modal props from decentraland ui */>
Behind the scenes Modal is setting the following properties:
onClose={/*close the modal by name*/}
The <EtherscanLink>
can be used to link a transaction hash to, and it connects to the redux store to know on which network the user is on.
This container requires you to install the Wallet module
import * as React from 'react'
import EtherscanLink from 'decentraland-dapps/dist/containers/EtherscanLink'
export default class MyComponent extends React.PureComponent {
render() {
return (
You sent an <EtherscanLink txHash={'0x...'}>invite</EtherscanLink>
Common Components for dApps
The <Intercom>
will add an intercom widget to your app
import * as React from 'react'
import Intercom from 'decentraland-dapps/dist/components/Intercom'
export default class MyComponent extends React.PureComponent {
render() {
return (
{/* (...) */}
data={/*optional data sent to intercom */}