Demo WebDriverIO is a demonstration project of integration tests. In this project the user sends a message to the customer service on Automation Practice.
These tests are developed in JS with WebDriverIO and Mocha
- node >= 10.15.x - how to install Node
- yarn >= 1.16.x - how to install Yarn
- Selenium Server: Here's how to set up a server: Zalenium or Selenium HQ
Install the dependencies:
yarn install
In wdio.conf.js file configure the host of the Selenium Server hostname
(default: localhost).
If you don't want to start a Selenium Server, you can use Selenium Standalone from wdio (if you have JDK installed).
So, you should uncomment the line 60 on wdio.conf.js
Then the tests run on your machine without a docker selenium.
Run e2e tests:
yarn tests:e2e
Run visual regression tests:
yarn tests:visualregression
Run this command to generate the allure report in the directory ./test-report/allure-report
yarn report:generate
You can run this command to start a server on your machine and open the allure report on the browser:
yarn report:open
Also, you can see Timeline report in ./test-report/timeline
Run check lint:
yarn code:check
Run format lint:
yarn code:format