sora-python-sdk Public
Forked from shiguredo/sora-python-sdkWebRTC SFU Sora Python SDK
C++ Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 28, 2023 -
node-libsamplerate Public
Forked from dmooney65/node-libsamplerateNative bindings to libsamplerate
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 14, 2019 -
raspimouse_ros Public
Forked from ryuichiueda/raspimouse_rosROS package for Raspberry Pi Mouse (for book sample, information for new version below)
Python MIT License UpdatedMay 6, 2017 -
socket.io-client-cpp Public
Forked from socketio/socket.io-client-cppC++11 implementation of Socket.IO client
C++ MIT License UpdatedMar 25, 2017 -
bitplaycoin Public
Playcoin of bitcoin. Wallet and Miner work on browser. Implemented by socket.io signaling and WebRTC DataChannel.
JavaScript UpdatedApr 4, 2016 -
socket.io-ioredis Public
Forked from GannettDigital/socket.io-ioredisSocket.IO Adapter built around ioredis
JavaScript UpdatedMar 7, 2016 -
civetweb Public
Forked from civetweb/civetwebEmbedded C/C++ web server
C Other UpdatedOct 16, 2015 -