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A <select> is basically the UI representation of a union type or ADT.Using a Prism and it’s data structure for a data transformation that’s not quite isomorphic, we can use go from an ADT to a String and back like we’d prefer to do.

import Html exposing (..)
import Html.SelectPrism exposing (selectp)

view : Model -> Html Msg
view { selectedColor } =
    -- Right Here ↓
    selectp colorp ChangeColor selectedColor [] colorOptions

colorOptions : List ( String, Color )
colorOptions =
    [ ( "❤️  Red", Red )
    , ( "💙 Blue", Blue )
    , ( "💚 Green", Green )

type alias Model =
    { selectedColor : Color }

type Msg
    = ChangeColor (Result String Color)

type Color
    = Red
    | Blue
    | Green

{-| You the developer are responsible for this `Prism`s correctness
colorp : Prism String Color
colorp =
        colorFromString : String -> Maybe Color
        colorFromString s =
            case s of
                "red" ->
                    Just Red

                "green" ->
                    Just Green

                "blue" ->
                    Just Blue

                _ ->

        colorToString : Color -> String
        colorToString c =
            case c of
                Red ->

                Green ->

                Blue ->
        -- Using `Prism` as a constructor
        Prism colorFromString colorToString

Do check out the example and/or read my blog entry which goes into more depth.

Project & Community Notes

This project is regrettably available on GitHub. The Elm community has tied itself to the closed-source, Microsoft-owned code forge of GitHub for package registry and identity. This does not protect the privacy or freedom of its community members.


This project is licensed under Apache License 2.0 - LICENSE file for details.


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