A custom CloudFormation resource for Cognito Resource Servers for the usage with CloudFormation stacks, as well as the Serverless framework.
If you just want to use the custom resource, copy the dist/cfn-cognito-resource-server.yml file to your CloudFormation project.
Additionally, you need to add another resource to the stack in whcih you configure the Cognito Resource Server (this assumes you have a Cognito UserPool resource named CognitoUserPool
in your stack):
Type: 'Custom::CognitoResourceServer'
Name: 'example.com API Cognito Resource Server'
Identifier: 'https://api.example.com'
UserPoolId: !Ref CognitoUserPool
- Name: 'myscope:read'
Description: 'Read permissions'
- Name: 'myscope:write'
Description: 'Write permissions'
ServiceToken: !GetAtt CustomResourceServerLambda.Arn
You should configure the Name
, Identifier
and Scopes
with your desired values. After that, the custom resource should be usable.
For an example configuration with the Serverless framework, you can have a look in the test subfolder. This contains a valid serverless.yml file with a configuration that can be customized.
You basically need three resources:
- A Cognito UserPool
- The custom resource for the Cognito Resource Server (see dist/sls-cognito-resource-server.yml)
- A resource which configures/uses the custom resource for the Cognito Resource Server
It could look like the following once you created the above named resources as files in the resources
subfolder of your Serverless project:
name: 'test-custom-cognito-resource-server'
name: aws
runtime: nodejs10.x
region: ${opt:region, 'us-east-1'}
stage: ${opt:stage, 'dev'}
- ${file(resources/cognito.yml)}
- ${file(resources/sls-cognito-resource-server.yml)}
- ${file(resources/cognito-resource-server.yml)}
The resources/cognito-resource-server.yml
could for example look like this:
Type: 'Custom::CognitoResourceServer'
Name: 'example.com API Cognito Resource Server'
Identifier: 'https://api.example.com'
Ref: CognitoUserPool
- Name: 'myscope:read'
Description: 'Read permissions'
- Name: 'myscope:write'
Description: 'Write permissions'
'Fn::GetAtt': [CustomResourceServerLambda, Arn]
You should configure the Name
, Identifier
and Scopes
with your desired values. After that, the custom resource should be usable.
After cloning the repo, and running npm i
in the project's path, you can run the build of the custom CloudFormation resources by running npm run build
This will created/update the following files in the dist
: The basic custom CloudFormation resource for the creation of Cognito Resource Serverssls-cognito-resource-server.yml
: The same resource, but ready for the usage with the Serverless framework