Simple MQTT garage door opener with endstop detection (reed sensor)
This is a rewrite of the initial McGarager firmware. It fits to the McGarager PCB.
It uses:
- The prampec/IotWebConf@^3.2.1 framework for easy setup, captive portal, config UI and OTA firmware upload.
- knolleary/PubSubClient@^2.8 for MQTT communication
- yiannisbourkelis/Uptime Librar@^1.0.0 for easy uptime display
- Platformio for the build process.
- No support for neopixel as of now.
Initial config values:
- AP SSID: McGarager / GaragerMc
- Config-UI credentials: admin / GaragerM
- Base MQTT topic: mc_garager
MQTT topics:
- #Base MQTT topic#/status: McGarager publishes JSON status messages to this topic when open/close inputs have changed of if trigged via command.
- #Base MQTT topic#/cmnd:
Topic that receives commands- Message "status": Trigger sending of status message.
- Message "trigger": Make the relay close for 250 ms.