This plugin allows you to add a physical Pause (Resume) button and an Stop (cancel command) button to OctoPrint.
Code is based on OctoPrint-Physical_Buttons by netlands (
Code is based almost completely on the Octoprint-Filament plugin by ǝuıɥsuooɯ (
Using this plugin requires two push buttons connected to two of the Raspberry Pi's GPIO pins. The code uses the Raspberry Pi's internal Pull-Up resistors so each button should be connected to a GPIO pin and a ground pin.
nano ~/.octoprint/config.yaml
Scroll down to the plugins section using the arrow keys.
Insert the below inside the plugins section keeping the spaces:
pause: XX
stop: XX
bounce: 400
XX are the GPIO pin numbers on your Raspberry Pi to which the buttons are connected. Note that the current version of the plugin uses physical pin numbers, e.g., on a Raspberry Pi 3 GPIO21 equals physical pin 40. See also
Save the changes with Ctrl-X and then Y (for yes). It will show a confirmation of overwrite file, press Enter.
sudo chmod a+rw /dev/gpiomem
Download the latest version, or install directly using the URL:
Click Settings (the Tool icon at the top) > Plugin Manager
Click the Get More button, and under ... from URL enter the above URL and click install Install.
OR alternatively
Click the Get More button, and under ... from an uploaded archive click Browse. Browse to the downloaded .zip file and click Install.
Restart OctoPrint to complete the installation.
Simply type the URL in your browser:
Where octopi.local is the local domain or IP of your OctoPrint server and the API key is the one found under Settings (the Tool icon at the top) > API. You can test functionality while there is no printjob active.
It should return something like below
{pause: "-1"}
the pause button is not setup{pause: "1"}
the pause button is being pressed (ON){pause: "0"}
the pause button is not pressed (OFF)
If you use the plugin please feel free to tip the original source.