Class-based models for rematch, containing state, actions, reducers and selectors.
All reducers can work with state immutabily (they becomes wrapped with Immer's produce
behind the scenes):
ADD_TODO({ id, text }) {
this.state[id] = { id, text, completed: false };
TOGGLE_TODO({ id }) {
this.state[id].completed = !this.state[id].completed;
Classic redux-style reducers, returning new state:
TOGGLE_TODO({ id }) {
return {
[id]: {
completed: !this.state[id].completed
rematch-inject transfers model's state and all public methods to your React class component:
class TodoList extends React.Component {
You can also connect store to your React component using react-redux connect
and mapStateToProps + mapDispatchToProps:
@connect(({ todo }) => ({ todo }), ({ todo }) => ({ ...todo }))
and inject
can be also composed and used without decorators.
Injecting static method of your model works as selector and connects dynamically calculated props to your component:
static withToggled({ todo }) {
return {
toggled: Object.keys(todo).filter(f => todo[f].completed),
TypeScript examples:
import { inject, Injected } from 'rematch-inject';
export type TodoListProps =
Injected<TodoStore> &
Injected<typeof TodoStore.withToggled>;
export default class TodoList extends React.Component<TodoListProps> {