Blink1Control update v1.9
Download options:
- Windows Installer - Blink1Control-win-setup.exe
- Windows Zip file -
- Mac DMG - Blink1Control-mac.dmg
- Mac Zip file -
Make your choice below.
Changes in this release
- Installer for Windows (Blink1Control-win-setup.exe)
- DMG for Mac (Blink1Control-mac.dmg)
- Windows version works on certain systems it crashed on before (D3D now vs OpenGL) (issues #84)
- Fun new color patterns from goyetus
- Only once instance of application allowed (issue #119)
- Mail Subject & Sender no longer has 12-character limit (issue #112)
- Menu/Systray Notification popup only happens on first run (issue #97)
- Help page contains info on File/Script/URL format and Mail matching logic (issue #113, issue #115 )
- Virtual blink1 colors match when triggered by File/Script/Url "color"
- File/Script/Url Tools now parse colors and patterns properly, for allowed values see (issue #89)
- Ability to select which blink(1) device is used (via config file setting, see v1.83 notes for details)
- Update to Qt-5.3 and MSVC build for Windows (MinGW build still supported too)