Releases: todirbg/kln90b
Initial upload to github.
Autopilot fix. KLN will no longer control the autopilot heading directly. It will only provide data for the default autopilot. Should work much much better. Please report bugs if encountered.
New options in the SET11 page. For aircrafts with NAV only instruments(like AWX C47) there is new option called NAVSYNC which will synchronize nav datarefs to the GPS. Leave it OFF if not needed.
GPSRATE option can be used to provide faster GPS update rates. Default and realistic option is once per second(1HZ), but if the autopilot is oscillating at high speeds it can be boosted to 5 or 10HZ(5-10 updates per second)
New option to pop up only the display in a 2D window. Useful for creating hardware KLN90B or just to have display without interface to monitor your progress.
Other things I forgot about ( again :( )