Just clone this this repository using git clone
And Edit the bot.py file Put your bot Token in the token variable that's all. And then Run the bot
python3 bot.py
copy & paste it in terminal
pip install discord.py pillow Flask openai easy_pil colorama youtube_dl PyNaCl
This is a simple discord bot for now I'm still making this Bot when building done I will update the bot. I made this bot for my server to manage my server with Moderation Commands and with Music command so that I don't need to invite tons of bot in my server
all the commands are available in cogs directory
welcome.py & goodbye.py is for welcoming new members when a member joins in a server and goodbye.py sends Good bye when a member leaves.
To make the goodbye.py and welcome.py work put your server welcome channel and Goodbye channel ID in server.json so that the bot can sends messages when a member leaves or join.
There's a command named chatgpt to make this command work use your OpenAi api key
The 'welcome.py sends a random img from the 3 given images also same for goodbye.py You can inlude more pictures and edit those two file and put the img file name in the list. Recommended resolution is 1920x1080.
This project is Licensed under MIT LICENSE check LICENSE file.