The Mozmill environment provides a pre-configured environment for Python with a full set of tools necessary to run Mozmill tests for Firefox.
To build the environment for a given platform change into the appropriate sub folder and execute the build command.
Make sure that you have the Python header files installed. If those are not present, install those:
Ubuntu: Install the package via: apt-get install python-dev
OSX: Install the latest [Python 2.7](
Due to missing automation capabilities of the installer files (at least for the Python installer), you are forced to manually setup the python installation.
Follow the steps below to glue all the pieces together:
- Install Python: "msiexec /i python-2.7.2.msi /passive ADDLOCAL=Extensions ALLUSERS=1"
- Execute the '' script with the version of Mozmill as parameter
- Answer the questions of the MSYS installer with 'y' and 'n'.
- Uninstall Python: "msiexec /x python-2.7.2.msi /passive"
We don't want to be dependent on the download of most of the external tools and the rebasing of the base address of the MSYS DLL files. So all required tools have been made available in the assets folder.
Version: 1.0.11 URL: File: assets/msys_setup.exe Rebased DLLs: assets/
See Mozilla Build for more information:
Version: 1.0.1 URL: File: