You can install:
- the latest release from CRAN with
- the development version from GitHub with
if (!require("pak")) install.packages("pak")
With ggDoE you’ll be able to generate common plots used in Design of Experiments with ggplot2.
The following plots are currently available:
- Alias Matrix
- Box-Cox Transformation
- Lambda Plot
- Boxplots
- Regression Diagnostic Plots
- Half-Normal Plot
- Interaction Effects Plot for a Factorial Design
- Main Effects Plot for a Factorial Design
- Contour Plots for Response Surface Methodology
- Pareto Plot
- Two Dimensional Projections of a Latin Hypercube Design
The following datasets/designs are included in ggDoE as tibbles:
adapted_epitaxial: Adapted epitaxial layer experiment obtain from the book
“Experiments: Planning, Analysis, and Optimization, 2nd Edition” -
original_epitaxial: Original epitaxial layer experiment obtain from the book
“Experiments: Planning, Analysis, and Optimization, 2nd Edition” -
pulp_experiment: Reflectance Data, Pulp Experiment obtain from the book
“Experiments: Planning, Analysis, and Optimization, 2nd Edition” -
girder_experiment: Girder experiment obtain from the book
“Experiments: Planning, Analysis, and Optimization, 2nd Edition” -
aliased_design: D-efficient minimal aliasing design obtained from the article
“Efficient Designs With Minimal Aliasing by Bradley Jones and Christopher J. Nachtsheim”
If you want to cite this package in a scientific journal or in any other
context, run the following code in your R
Warning in citation("ggDoE"): could not determine year for 'ggDoE' from package
To cite package 'ggDoE' in publications use:
Toledo Luna J (????). _ggDoE: Modern Graphs for Design of Experiments
with 'ggplot2'_. R package version 0.8.1,
A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
title = {ggDoE: Modern Graphs for Design of Experiments with 'ggplot2'},
author = {Jose {Toledo Luna}},
note = {R package version 0.8.1},
url = {},
I welcome feedback, suggestions, issues, and contributions! Check out the CONTRIBUTING file for more details.
Correlation matrix plot to visualize the Alias matrix
model <- lm(s2 ~ (A+B+C+D),data = adapted_epitaxial)
boxcox_transform(model,lambda = seq(-5,5,0.2))
Obtain the trace plot of the t-statistics after applying Boxcox transformation across a specified sequence of lambda values
model <- lm(s2 ~ (A+B+C)^2,data=original_epitaxial)
lambda_plot(model, lambda = seq(0,2,by=0.1))
data <- ToothGrowth
data$dose <- factor(data$dose,levels = c(0.5, 1, 2),
labels = c("D0.5", "D1", "D2"))
gg_boxplots(data,y = 'len',x = 'dose')
gg_boxplots(data,y = 'len',x = 'dose',
group_var = 'supp',
color_palette = 'viridis',
jitter_points = TRUE)
- Residual vs. Fitted Values
- Normal-QQ plot
- Scale-Location plot
- Residual vs. Leverage
- Cook’s Distance
- Collinearity
The default plots are 1-4
model <- lm(mpg ~ wt + am + gear + vs * cyl, data = mtcars)
model <- lm(ybar ~ (A+B+C+D)^4,data=adapted_epitaxial)
Interaction effects plot between two factors in a factorial design
interaction_effects(adapted_epitaxial,response = 'ybar',
exclude_vars = c('s2','lns2'))
interaction_effects(adapted_epitaxial,response = 'ybar',
exclude_vars = c('A','s2','lns2'),
Main effect plots for each factor in a factorial design
exclude_vars = c('A','ybar','lns2'),
color_palette = 'viridis',
contour plot(s) that display the fitted surface for an rsm object involving two or more numerical predictors
heli.rsm <- rsm::rsm(ave ~ SO(x1, x2, x3, x4),
data = rsm::heli)
gg_rsm(heli.rsm,formula = ~x1+x2+x3+x4,
at = rsm::xs(heli.rsm))
Pareto plot of effects with cutoff values for the margin of error (ME) and simultaneous margin of error (SME)
model <- lm(lns2 ~ (A+B+C+D)^4,data=original_epitaxial)
This function will output all two dimensional projections from a Latin hypercube design
X <- lhs::randomLHS(n=10, k=4)
pairs_plot(X,n_columns=3,grid = c(3,2))