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383 lines (242 loc) · 21.3 KB

File metadata and controls

383 lines (242 loc) · 21.3 KB


##Version 1.5.5


  • Fixed support for using system font (using system as font name or omitting font name entirely), and added support for using bold and italic system fonts (systemBold and systemItalic).

##Version 1.5.3

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue with property animating of UIActivityIndicatorView.

##Version 1.5.2

Bug fixes

  • Added fix for reloading of scoped stylesheets (pull request 62, added by @fantast1k).

##Version 1.5.1

Bug fixes

  • Fixed copy/paste bug in ISSViewBuilder (resolves issue 61, reported by @bangerang).

##Version 1.5

New features & changes

  • Added support for multiple style classes in selector declarations.
  • Added support for extending style declarations (via keyword @extend).
  • Introduced behavioural flag useManualStyling to class InterfaCSS, to make it possible to take control over when styling is applied to views.
  • Added nullability support for better Swift interoperability.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed minor issues with style/element information caching.

##Version 1.4.4

Bug fixes

  • Added workaround for problem with circular relationships occurring for some nested elements key paths (inputView and inputAccessoryView), leading to infinite loops while applying style.

##Version 1.4.3

Bug fixes

  • Fixed problem with cyclic ISSUIElementDetails object graphs, due to incorrect use of parentElement field in situations where nested element key paths are present (resolves issue 53, reported by @bangerang).
  • Fixed bug in visiting of ISSUIElementDetails (visitExclusivelyWithScope).
  • Fixed bug in invokeGetterForProperty in ISSRuntimeIntrospectionUtils.

New features & changes (yes, a small feature update snuck into this maintenance release...)

  • Added notification for when refreshable stylesheets are updated (ISSDidRefreshStyleSheetNotification)

##Version 1.4.2

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue with stylesheet scoping not always being applied correctly.

New features & changes (yes, a small feature update snuck into this maintenance release...)

  • Added support for the attribute accessibilityIdentifier to elements in XML view definition files (pull request 60, added by @ChrisInIssaquah).

##Version 1.4.1

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issues with variable and property name/value parsing (issue 57, reported by @xmmk).

##Version 1.4

New features & changes

  • Significantly improved performance of stylesheet parsing, primarily by replacing Parcoa with a custom parser implementation (inspired by Parcoa).

Bug fixes

  • Fixed problem with caching of element (styling) information, preventing proper style matching in some cases.

##Version 1.3.2

Bug fixes

  • Fixed problem with infinite loops occurring under certain circumstances while traversing the view hierarchy (issue 49, reported by @bangerang).
  • Fixed problem with setting properties on nested elements where the superview is not the owner of the nested element. Also fixed related issue with nested elements of the same type not being properly differentiated.

New features & changes (yes, a small feature update snuck into this maintenance release...)

  • Added support for compact hex colors (4 bits per channel, i.e. #123) and hex colors with alpha component (i.e. #1122337f, or #1238) (issue 48, reported by @vitorhugomagalhaes ).

##Version 1.3.1

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue with using +/- without adjoining whitespace in ISSLayout definitions.
  • Fixed issue causing crash when using layout on elements without element id.
  • Fixed issue with IBInspectable not working properly on styleClassISS and elementIdISS.

##Version 1.3

New features & changes

  • View definition file changes: made collectionViewLayout preferred tag name for UICollectionViewLayout and added better parser error logging.
  • Added proper support for using titleTextAttributes, scopeBarButtonTitleTextAttributes, defaultTextAttributes, typingAttributes, linkTextAttributes as prefix for text attributes (font, textColor, shadowColor and shadowOffset), e.g. titleTextAttributes.font.
  • Added support for setting title, image, enabled, width and contentOffset for UISegmentedControl segments.
  • Added fallback to introspection when KVC fails when setting properties.
  • Added more UISlider properties (value, minimumValue, maximumValue).
  • Bumped target ios version to 7.0.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue in invokeSetterForProperty and added invokeGetterForProperty.
  • Fixed issue with setting text attributes property titleTextAttributes(:forState:),
  • Changed incorrect type of property autocapitalizationType from bool to enum.
  • Fixed errors with screenWidth/height pseudo classes.
  • Added missing bounds check to nameValueSeparator parser (causing ill-formed stylesheets to crash sometimes).
  • Fixed issue in ISSSelectorChain that prevented selector chains from being properly traversed in some cases. This mostly affected how child selector combinators (´>´) were evaluated.

##Version 1.2.1

Bug fixes

  • Changed incorrect type of attributed string properties underlineStyle and strikeThroughStyle from number to (bitmask) enum (NSUnderlineStyle* and NSUnderlinePattern* now supported).
  • Fixed issues with line breaks (\n) and escaping of quotes in strings and attributed strings.
  • Fixed issue with local file monitoring, when file is (incorrectly) reported as deleted.

##Version 1.2

New features & changes

  • Added support for properties leftViewMode and rightViewMode in UITextField. Also added leftView and rightView as valid property prefix key paths.
  • Added support for using swift classes as custom type selectors and custom elements in view definition files.
  • Added better control over how refreshable stylesheets are handled (added methods for manually reloading stylesheets etc).
  • Added support for starting and stopping animation of a UIActivityIndicatorView via the "animating" property.
  • Added support for nesting variables, i.e. referring to other variables in variable declarations.
  • Updated minimum required iOS version to iOS7.
  • Added pseudo classes minOSVersion , maxOSVersion, deviceModel, screenWidth, screenWidthLessThan, screenWidthGreaterThan, screenHeight, screenHeightLessThan and screenHeightGreaterThan.
  • Added support for remote loading (via http/https URLs) of fonts and images (resolves issue 21, requested by @tbrannam).
  • Added support for using InterfaCSS in tvOS apps (resolves issue 44, requested by @tbrannam).

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue in ISSLayout with auto width/height, and also an issue with how layout guide values are calculated.

##Version 1.1.1

Bug fixes

  • Removed incorrect warning logging in view definition file parser (ISSViewHierarchyParser).
  • Fixed error in ISSLayout with how width/height was calculated when using simultaneous left & right / top & bottom attributes.

##Version 1.1

New features & changes

  • Added support for scoping stylesheets to specific view controllers (for instance).
  • Added support for string localization, by using the format L("string") or localized("string").
  • Made styleClassISS property IBInspectable.
  • Performance updates related to styling.
  • Added support for W3C style selector specificity for determining the order in which style declarations should be processed. This feature can be enabled using the flag useSelectorSpecificity.
  • Added pseudo class root, which matches if an element is the root view of a view controller.
  • Added support for overriding and/or extending already registered property definitions (issue 28, requested by @tbrannam). Also added new property setter block type (ISSPropertySetterBlock) that returns a BOOL, and deprecated the old one (without the ISS prefix).
  • Added support for "selected" and "highlighted" pseudo class selectors (issue 32, requested by @tbrannam).
  • Added support for using mathematical expressions in most places where numbers are used in stylesheets (issue 35, requested by @TadeasKriz).
  • Added support for using custom types as selectors (issue 36, requested by @TadeasKriz).
  • Added support for shorthand versions of type creators in stylesheets, i.e. making it possible to use fewer arguments (issue 37, requested by @TadeasKriz). Also added support for making "function" prefix (i.e. point etc) optional, and making it possible to just use the argument list directly (i.e. 10, 20).
  • Added support for using file monitoring instead of polling, when using auto reloadable stylesheets on the local filesystem (issue 38, requested by @TadeasKriz).
  • Added support for using view controller classes as type selectors (issue 42, requested by @TadeasKriz).

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue with using InterfaCSS in an extension target (issue 33, reported by @killobatt).
  • Changed the way how setting properties on nested elements (via prefix key paths) in stylesheets works, primarily to solve the problem with this not working in all cases. Resolves issue issue 39, reported by @TadeasKriz.
  • Added support to use introspection for getting setter method for property, as an alternative to using KVC for setting property values. This resolves issue 43, reported by @TadeasKriz (problem with setting properties defined in UITextInputTraits).

##Version 1.0.1

Bug fixes

  • Added fix for incorrect import of Parcoa header file (issue 34, reported by @TadeasKriz).

##Version 1.0.0

New features & changes

  • Added ISSLayout - a lightweight and flexible layout system.
  • Added HelloISSLayout sample code.
  • Updated ISSViewBuilder with methods that take elementId parameter.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed rotation issue in sample code (issue 24, reported by @tbrannam).
  • Merged fix for nthlastoftype pseudo class name (issue 25, reported by @tbrannam).
  • Merged fix missing support for UITabBar when calculating type qualified position in parent (issue 26, added by @tbrannam).
  • Added support for use of color functions and named colors in gradients (issue 29, reported by @tbrannam).
  • Fixed issues with ISSPropertyTypeNumber not supporting negative numbers (issue 30, reported by @tbrannam).

##Version 0.9.13

New features & changes

  • Added support for specifying the collection view layout class (via the layoutClass attribute) when creating collection views in a view definition file (fixes issue 10, reported by @tbrannam).
  • Added method elementNameToViewClass to ISSViewHierarchyParser, to make it possible for subclasses to override mapping of tag name to view class.
  • Added support for horizontal and vertical centering of rect values, by using the value auto in insets (e.g. left(auto).right(auto)`).
  • Added pseudo classes for user interface idiom (pad & phone) and size classes (regularWidth, compactWidth, regularHeight, compactHeight) (fixes issue 18, reported by @tbrannam).
  • Added support for chaining pseudo classes (fixes issue 18, reported by @tbrannam).
  • Simplified handling of view related styling data (ISSUIElementDetails) by using associated objects.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue with parsing of CGColor values, when using color functions.
  • Merged fix for incorrect parsing of font names with spaces (issue 22) added by @tbrannam.

##Version 0.9.12

New features & changes

  • Added support for attributed string properties (attributedText in UILabel, UITextField and UITextView, and attributedTitle in UIButton).
  • Added support for opting out of scheduled styling when adding and removing style classes (via UIView (InterfaCSS) category).
  • Updates to xml view definition file parsing (ISSViewHierarchyParser):
    • Added support for impl attribute for specifying a custom implementation class.
    • Added support for registering (the iOS6 way) UITableViewCell and UICollectionViewCell classes in the parent UITableView/UICollectionView.
  • Added support for associating a view with an element identifier, both thoughUIView+InterfaCSS and the xml view definition file (id attribute).
  • Added support for setting properties on UICollectionViewFlowLayout.
  • Added support for "scoping" prototypes under a specific view, instead of always being defined on a global level. Also added support for using the attribute propertyScope (valid values are parent or global) in view definition files.
  • Added protocol ISSViewHierarchyParserDelegate, to support post processing of view defined in a view definition file (fixes issue 12, reported by @tbrannam).
  • Added method to register a ISSPropertyDefinition directly to ISSPropertyRegistry.
  • Added support for variable substitution when doing manual property value transformation (i.e. for instance using -[InterfaCSS transformedValueOfStyleSheetVariableWithName:asPropertyType:] or -[ISSStyleSheetParser transformValue:asPropertyType:]). Fixes issue 17, reported by @tbrannam.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed problem with using multiple constants within the same property value.
  • Reduction of excessive cleanup of caches.
  • Added fix for issue with view definition file prototypes (issue 5, reported by @tbrannam) - prototype child elements can now be assigned to property in any ancestor element.
  • Merged fix for use of incorrect setters for property attributedTitle (issue 4), added by @tbrannam.
  • Added support for properly handling custom UITableViewCell/UICollectionViewCell subclasses in ISSViewHierarchyParser (issue 7).
  • Fixed issue with prototype views having a global namespace (issue 8, reported by @tbrannam)
  • Added fix for issue with custom enumerated property definition (issue 16, reported by @tbrannam)

##Version 0.9.11

Bug fixes

  • Fixed caching issues, partially related to custom styling identities.

##Version 0.9.10

New features & changes

  • Added support for processing refreshable stylesheets after normal stylesheets (processRefreshableStylesheetsLast)
  • Added support for setting interval at which refreshable stylesheets are refreshed (stylesheetAutoRefreshInterval)
  • Updated error handing for loading of refreshable stylesheets.
  • Added support for registering custom stylesheet properties, by exposing an instance of ISSPropertyRegistry through the property propertyRegistry in InterfaCSS.
  • Updated handling of data associated with styled elements to make it more robust (and to workaround issue when styling SpriteKit nodes:
  • Added support for current "keyword" in stylesheets. When this keyword is used as a property value, any existing runtime value for a specific property will remain.
  • Added support for disabling styling of specific properties in a UI element (in class InterfaCSS and through category UIView+InterfaCSS.h).

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug in replacement of unicode escape sequences ([NSString iss_stringByReplacingUnicodeSequences]).

##Version 0.9.9

New features & changes

  • Swift compatibility fix - added sharedInstance class method as a replacement for the interfaCSS method.
  • Updated InterfaCSS.h to include import statements of the core headers of the InterfaCSS API, to make creating a Swift bridging header simpler.
  • Added support for unicode escape sequences (\u0123 and \U00012345) in strings in stylesheets.

##Version 0.9.8

New features & changes

  • Improved handling of transform and anchor point.
  • Added support for applying styling only once (applyStylingOnceISS).

##Version 0.9.7

Bug fixes

  • Fixed crash caused by bad handling of UINavigationItem.

##Version 0.9.6

New features & changes

  • Updated caching of styles to be more performant.
  • Styles are now only applied to a UI element if not already applied, or if there has been a change in stylesheets or style classes etc.
  • Slight change in meaning of parameter in method applyStylingISS: in UIView+InterfaCSS from "clear cached styles" to "force styles to always be applied".
  • Added method clearCachedStylesISS to UIView+InterfaCSS (to compensate for above change).
  • Added BOOL return type to add/remove style class methods in UIView+InterfaCSS, to indicate success.

##Version 0.9.5

New features & changes

  • Full UIKit enum names (i.e. UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth) are now supported alongside short versions (i.e. width).
  • Added possibility to disable/enable styling for a UI element, using the methods disableStylingISS and enableStylingISS in UIView+InterfaCSS.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue with preventOverwriteOfAttributedTextAttributes flag not checking the presence of attributed text correctly.
  • Updated supported enum values for lineBreakMode to be more in line with NSLineBreakMode enum type (i.e. added wordWrapping, charWrapping, clipping, truncatingHead, truncatingTail, truncatingMiddle).

##Version 0.9.4

New features & changes

  • Added support to UIView+InterfaCSS for getting notified when styles will be and have been applied for a view, via blocks (willApplyStylingBlockISS & `didApplyStylingBlockISS).
  • Added flag useLenientSelectorParsing to class InterfaCSS, to allow for more lenient parsing of style class names (i.e. allow missing dot).
  • When autoresizingMask is set, the frame property will also be set to the superview bound or the screen bound if empty.

##Version 0.9.3

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue with image parsing using the image("xxx") format.

##Version 0.9.2

New features & changes

  • The order of property declarations is now maintained when parsing a stylesheet file.
  • Property values are now lazily transformed from strings to actual values, to speed up loading of stylesheet.
  • Added flag preventOverwriteOfAttributedTextAttributes to make it possible to prevent "overwriting" of font and text color in attributed text of labels (and buttons).

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue with underscore not being allowed as a character in identifiers in stylesheets.
  • Fixes problem with color and image values not being parsed correctly in some instances.

##Version 0.9.1

Bug fixes

  • Fixed problem with wildcard selectors not being recognized properly.
  • Fixed ordering issue with nested declarations in stylesheets.
  • Fixed problem with parsing font sizes with only one digit.
  • Fixed issue with quoted string property values containing control characters.
  • Fixed broken cancellation of delayed calls to applyStyling: and applyStylingWithAnimation:.
  • Prevented possibility of recursive invocations to applyStyling for the same view from occuring.
  • Added missing builder method for UIActivityIndicatorView to ISSViewBuilder.
  • Fixed issue with prefixed properties "overwriting" properties with same (unprefixed) property name.
  • Fixed issue with width being used instead of height for inset rects.
  • Fixed issue where style class replaced existing style classes instead of appending to them.
  • Re-styling of ISSRootView is now also scheduled when view moves to window.

##Version 0.9.0

New features & changes

  • Added support for child, adjacent sibling and general sibling selector combinators.
  • Added support for pseudo classes:
    • Interface orientation: (landscape, landscapeLeft, landscapeRight, portrait, portraitUpright, portraitUpSideDown)
    • Component state: (enabled, disabled)
    • Structural (nthchild, nthlastchild, onlychild, firstchild, lastchild, nthoftype, nthlastofyype, onlyoftype, firstoftype, lastoftype, empty)
  • Stylesheet variables are now global (i.e. can be reused in multiple stylesheets).
  • Stylesheet variables can now be accessed and manipulated in code, using methods in class InterfaCSS.
  • Added suffix/prefix to all category methods (methods UIView+InterfaCSS.h now all have a "ISS" suffix).
  • Added new boolean attribute add to elements in view definition file, to enable/disable adding as subview to parent (default YES).
  • Added support for logging active styles for a view (-[InterfaCSS logMatchingStyleDeclarationsForUIElement:]).

Bug fixes

  • Fixed problem with automatic height in ISSRectValue (i.e. size(123, auto)).
  • Fixed problems with matching types for view classes (ISSSelector).
  • Fixed caching issue with enum properties.