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18th Ocotber Monday

Lilly Daniell edited this page Oct 21, 2021 · 1 revision

Hi, it’s me Boris and I want to say that the time is absolutely flying…, it’s already week 2 of the project. All of us came back recharged after the “weekend break” (there was a weekend challenge as well…). As usual we started with standup, where we left off on Friday. We decided to shuffle the group members and finish the tasks and the blockers from last week:

* finishing all features tests 
* sorting out the line breaks
* carry on working on CSS

We realised that we are almost finished with our user stories and we can start working on more. Lilly was so kind to ask our Project Manager - Alex (our coach) for additional user stories (we may regret taking this decision later, but this is a different topic to discuss at another time…).

Alex came back to us in less than an o’hour with the following:

(Cost) For budget reasons, Heroku is too expensive


Management had a meeting. They seem to have had a lot of meetings recently. People seem to be leaving because of budget cuts - but as a team you realised you can make some savings in order to keep your team’s jobs safe. Heroku has somehow become really expensive of late, and AWS have this massive new discount because you went to an AWS mee tup this one time..


You have 1 sprint to complete a safe migration to AWS You should only ever have 1 production app that a user can interact with for this requirement, consider the production app your currently deployed app until the aws app is deployed and the data migrated to it (at which point the aws app is the production app, and the heroku app should be unusable)

CRITICAL: No user data should be lost


Show a message on your app that tells the user from what time to what time the app will be unusable while the migration happens.

Implement a redirect from the heroku app to the aws app, so a user has a seamless transition - they can still go to the heroku app which redirects them immediately to the AWS app

Brilliant, we have a financial issue to solve, but I am sure we can manage it.

We have a meeting with our coach, Alex, tomorrow at 10:30am to discuss our progress and to ask him tricky questions on how to solve our blockers.

To sum up the day, we managed to finish all of the features tests plus refactoring them (creating and using features helpers). Also the line breaks are now sorted by replacing a text_field with text_area function. The other team made a huge progress with CSS and is getting closer to the wire-frame which we created in the begging.