This is a Node.js program designed to create a file that holds obj data that can be read by javascript intended to be used with webGL. To start with, I modified this obj converter and made it for Node.js.
I created this for CS 559 Computer Graphics at UW - Madison as a way to help me auto create a file of obj data. The output format is based off of this tool.
- You must have Node.js downloaded onto your computer in order for this program to run.
- Either copy or download objConverter.js and run using Node.js.
- Save a copy of this program in the directory of your textures and run via the terminal:
node objConverter.js
node objConverter.js filename1.obj filename2.obj ...
- The new file will be called:
- original file: filename.obj
- In html file:
<script src="objFolder/filename.objjs"></script>
- In the object part of your code:
- Note: This has only been tested with twgl.js but may still work for normal WebGL.
var myVert = LoadedOBJFiles["filename.obj"].groups["myGroup"].webGL.vertices,
myNorm = LoadedOBJFiles["filename.obj"].groups["myGroup"].webGL.normals,
myTex = LoadedOBJFiles["falconPoly.obj"].groups["myGroup"].webGL.texCoords;
var arrays = {
vpos : { numComponents: 3, data: myVert },
vtex : {numComponents: 2, data: myTex},
vnormal : {numComponents:3, data: myNorm}
var buffers = twgl.createBufferInfoFromArrays(gl,arrays);
...more code for making objects...
- If the normal is not supplied in the obj file, this program will create its own using the vector position data.
- This is a basic calculation that can be changed if it does not fit your needs. See the
- This is a basic calculation that can be changed if it does not fit your needs. See the
- The group names for each object is included in the output of the Node.js program so you do not need to look inside the output file.
- This converter will work with any face shape (ex. triangles, quad, poly)
- If you would like to make edits, please create a pull request or make an new issue.
- Andrew Tomko