This plugin allows you to use an instagram connected feed as content to be shown inside payload blog.
🔥 important: starting from 0.0.8 the access token will be stored to db to allow to refresh it automatically. Read the updated setup guide to learn how to configure the plugin.
- create a facebook developer app following this tutorial, up to point 3.
🔥 Important:
- As
set: https://yourBaseUrl/api/instagram/authorize. Change "yourBaseUrl" with your app url. If you are using this from localhost, run your payload instance with--experimental-https
flagged, as https is needed for the instagram token request! - as revoke authorization set: https://yourBaseUrl/api/instagram/unauthorize
- as request to delete data set: https://yourBaseUrl/api/instagram/delete
- Add the plugin to the payload.config.ts, together with all your config, as follows:
import { instagramPlugin } from 'instagram-payload-plugin'
export default buildConfig({
plugins: [
instagramPlugin({ enabled: true })
In the admin view, a new collection called instagram-posts is added. Do not add manually any item to this collection!
A custom view called Instagram Posts is added on the left panel, allowing you to see a preview of all the connected instagram posts. From here you can click on wathever post you like and add it to the collection.
The items in the collection have this structure:
type PostType = {
id: string
media_url: string
permalink: string
media_type: 'IMAGE' | 'VIDEO' | 'CAROUSEL_ALBUM'
caption: string
children?: {
id: string
media_url: string
permalink: string
media_type: string
type CAROUSEL_ALBUM will have an additional array of children, each being the actual image of the carousel (i.e. more than one image in a post).
method 1: instagram-posts is just a regular collection, so you can import it like:
import configPromise from '@payload-config'
import { getPayloadHMR } from '@payloadcms/next/utilities'
const payload = await getPayloadHMR({ config: await configPromise })
const { docs } = await payload.find({
collection: 'instagram-posts',
depth: 3
method 2: Create a relationship block such as:
const InstagramIntegration: Block = {
slug: 'InstagramIntegration',
interfaceName: 'InstagramIntegrationBlock',
fields: [
name: 'instagramSrc',
type: 'relationship',
required: true,
relationTo: 'instagram-posts'
and after that you will be able to use the component data in this way:
const InstagramIntegration = ({ instagramSrc }: { instagramSrc: PostType }) => {
const { media_type, media_url, caption, children }: InstagramPost = instagramSrc
return (
<section className={cn('relative flex')}>
{media_type === 'CAROUSEL_ALBUM' && (
{children?.map(({ media_url }) => (
<CarouselItem key={media_url}>
<div className="relative h-[400px] w-full">
<Image layout="fill" objectFit="contain" src={media_url || ''} alt={'carousel image'} />
<CarouselPrevious />
<CarouselNext />
{caption && (
<div className="w-full p-6 dark:text-zinc-100">
To delete an item, simply delete the entrance inside the collection view.