NOTE: If you are looking for the AppDynamics Cars App used for SE recruiting, this is now in its own repo.
This is a web app which provides for a Super car store which has a couple of performance/code issues. The app can be built with Maven and deployed into Kubernetes
All containers are in DockerHub so deploying kuberneters/cars_app.yaml to a K8s cluster will get this up and running. Not the web-server is not exposed by default, this can easily be done with the following
kubectl expose deployment cars-deployment-web --type=NodePort
The app is based on an AngularJs front end, calling back to RESTful services, based on Jersey, with a MySQL back end DB, Nginx proxy up front and a Go based Insurance Service
There is also a iOS mobile app which uses the same REST endpoints. This app is described in it's own README.
Most of the code for the app is in this repo, the exception is the Go Insurance Service.
There are a number of directories in this repo for the other components, each has their own README describing the contents
- web_server - Contains the web server config
- app_server - All the code and config for the Tomcat layer, this is where the bulk of the code sits
- db_server - Schema and container definition for MySQL
- cron_cleanup - A CronJob that runs to clean up after the load test
- JMeter - Definition for the load testing
- Demo Monkey - Demo Monkey scripts to skin the demo
- kubernetes - Config for standing up the whole app in K8s
- demo_marshaller - Container and app_server YAML files for cycling issues and scaling of app_server
- prometheus - Container def for collecting metrics
- mobile/iOS - Mobile app for Cars
- docimages - Just the images for the READMEs