This project is still work in progress, it emerged through nessesenty in a very specific use case and is now being adapted to fit a broader use case.
This project was created to be used with egui but in more generic terms it should also work with any other direct render systems.
When using a library like egui you might have a few different locations where the
same data is being stored. In my specific case I had a list of parsing-profiles
that I had on two differnt views. This means that there are two structs that contain
this list of profiles. But now when one of these views changes the view of profiles
then the other view also needs to know of this change. So how do I let the other
view know that the values have changed?
- Multithreaded: The difficultiy in all of this is also the fact that everything is multithreaded.
- Direct Render System: As already mentioned before we are working in a direct render system which adds some complications as well as semplifications.