Boost your Jekyll workflow with Grunt!
Jekyll Rocks Generator uses the Yeoman technology to scaffold a basic Jekyll environment that in union with Grunt makes the perfect development workflow.
The Generator comes with cool featuresas livereload, sass, uglify, postcss and Git or FTP deploy. You could choose also to use a front end framework. At this time are available Bootstrap 4, Foundation 6, Semantic UI, Material Design Lite or Materialize. But you can obviously install whatever you want in a second time.
During setup you can choose:
- Sass, Scss or vanilla CSS
- A framework between: Bootstrap 4, Foundation 6, Semantic UI, Material Design Lite or Materialize
- Automatic push of your code on branch master
- Automatic deploy of your site on gh-pages, ftp or both
Jekyll-Rocks always includes:
- Automatic Jekyll and preprocessor compiling
- An automatic build process that includes concatenation, image and svg optimization, CSS minification and JS uglification
To install this project, you'll need the following things installed on your machine.
First, install Grunt and Bower using npm.
$ npm install -g grunt-cli
$ npm install -g bower
Second, install Yeoman and generator-jekyll-rocks.
$ npm install -g yo
$ npm install -g generator-jekyll-rocks
Then generate your new project:
$ yo jekyll-rocks
Development mode
This will give you jekyll server, file watching, uglify, postcss, auto-rebuild etc.
You have to work only with app/ dir files.
You will find common jekyll server builded files under .jekyll/
$ grunt serve
Build mode
This will build your jekyll site minimizing all your sass, css, js, img and svg.
You could find the builded site under dist/
$ grunt build
Clear mode
This will clear all your tmp files, sass-cache etc.
$ grunt clear
Push mode
You can easily push your files on your branch master.
NOTICE: this command is available only if in the setup you choose it
$ grunt push
Push mode
You can easily deploy your site on your branch gh-pages, your ftp or both.
NOTICE: this command is available only if in the setup you at least one of these options.
$ grunt deploy
- Yeoman has a heart of gold.
- Yeoman is a person with feelings and opinions, but is very easy to work with.
- Yeoman can be too opinionated at times but is easily convinced not to be.
- Feel free to learn more about Yeoman.
MIT © Tommaso Negri