基于C++ 实现的分布式数据库,底层采用MySQL数据库,使用RPC远程过程调用进行网络的通信
- 使用正则表达式解析SQL语句,以及分片的信息等
- 使用Etcd进行元数据,以及GDD(全局字典)的管理
- 基于数据分片的信息生成的SQL操作语句,包括 create、insert、delete ...
- 能够根据分片信息对select 中的join,projection,进行投影下推,剪枝,join重新排序,条件上移等优化
- 根据输入的sql语句能够查询出结果。
cd client
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../
./client 8080
- libmysqlcppconn7
- rpclib
- libcurl
- libjson
- boost
define site 1 db1
define site 2 db2
define site 3 db3
define site 4 db4
create table Student(id int key,name char(25),sex char(1),age int,degree int);
create table Teacher(id int key,name char(25),title int);
create table Course(id int key,name char(80),location char(8),credit_hour int,teacher_id int);
create table Exam(student_id int,course_id int,mark int);
frag Student id < 1050000 db1 id >= 1050000 and id < 1100000 db2 id >= 1100000 db3;
frag Teacher id < 2010000 and title <> 3 db1 id < 2010000 and title = 3 db2 id >= 2010000 and title <> 3 db3 id >= 2010000 and title = 3 db4;
frag Course (id,name) db1 (id,location,credit_hour,teacher_id) db2;
frag Exam student_id < 1070000 and course_id < 301200 db1 student_id < 1070000 and course_id >= 301200 db2 student_id >= 1070000 and course_id < 301200 db3 student_id >= 1070000 and course_id >= 301200 db4;
insert into Student values(1000001,'xiao ming','M',20,1);
insert into Teacher values(2900010,'Santa Claus',2);
insert into Teacher values(2000001,'St. Nicholas',1);
insert into Course values(3900001,'Defence Against Dark Arts','CB-3',4,200001);
insert into Exam values(1900001,3900001,96);
delete from Teacher where title = 1;
delete from Teacher where id >= 2900010 and title = 2;
delete from Student where id = 1000001;
delete from Course where location = 'CB-3';
delete from Exam;
load Student /var/lib/mysql-files/data/student.tsv
load Teacher /var/lib/mysql-files/data/teacher.tsv
load Course /var/lib/mysql-files/data/course.tsv
load Exam /var/lib/mysql-files/data/exam.tsv
select * from Student;
select Course.name from Course;
select * from Course where Course.credit_hour>2 and Course.location='CB-3';
select Exam.course_id,Exam.mark from Exam;
select Course.name, Course.credit_hour, Teacher.name from Course, Teacher where Course.teacher_id=Teacher.id and Course.credit_hour>2 and Teacher.title=3;
select Student.name,Exam.mark from Student,Exam where Student.id=Exam.student_id;
select Student.id,Student.name,Exam.mark,Course.name from Student,Exam,Course where Student.id=Exam.student_id and Exam.course_id=Course.id and Student.age>26 and Course.location<>'CB-3';
Select Student.id, Student.name, Exam.mark, Course.name from Student, Exam, Course where Student.id = Exam.student_id and Exam.course_id = Course.id and Student.age>26 and Course.location<>’CB-3’;
- select节点和project节点不变。
- 如果join的节点是一个表,那么加上一个虚拟的union节点,(并不是后期真正的union,是一个虚拟节点),union节点的父节点就是对应的join节点,子节点是分片。
- 表的结点删除(代码中的做法是让其父节点为-1)。
- 无论是垂直分片还是水平分片现阶段都用union节点表示,如果是垂直分片后期将union节点转换成join节点,如果是水平分片,后期将union节点保留。