Topiary Beatz is a plugin for beats & drums.
- Topiary Beatz folder contains the code and a projucer file.
- Topiary folder contains code used by other Topiary modules; code is duplicated to make it easy for you :)
In order to compile, you will need JUCE and the VST2 headers. Steinberg no longer provides these but you can find them in the Juce 5.3 repositories. Code is up2date for Juce6.
Careful: binary data is provided in the Topiary/JuceLibraryCode folder - make sure your projucer doesn't delete that! (it contains the Topiary logo artwork).
- Tested/Compiled with Juce 6.1 / Visual Studio 2019 / VST2 / Windows10/X64.
- Tested in Cantabile 3, Reaper and Cubase LE.
- See here for known bugs (none @ release time) ( )
- Plugin is found under Topiary Beats / binaries. Feel free to rename it.
- Install in your VST2 plugin folder. Your host may need to rescan that folder.
Full release notes here: