Max project for sonification of telescope data
Find Ambisonic plugins here
- Controller (Max components are added. Adding to telePhonics next)
- Generating traffic
- Parameter highlighting with FX and chords --> Have done noise highlighting and fx highlighting
- Different port -> frequency scalings
- Day/Night filter
- Visualisation --> Done in teleVision
- Move to OSC bundles to decrease network traffic
- Need to scale ports for audible frequency ranges
- Using longitude and latitude to represent place on globe
- Rotating world
- For IP scans to be detected, IP addresses (possibly by subnet) must be linked to frequncy or other parameter.
Data to be used for ADSR curve. This is currently sent as a string: "192 168 1 2".
The ISO code for the country of origin.
The destination port of the packet.
The protocol number of the received packet.
Latitude of the source IP.
Longitude of the source IP.