#A Battleship Tournament Server
####Playing a game
## request authentication ***
In the http header of any request you need to include your Midway API Key
curl -H "HTTP-MIDWAY-API-KEY: <%= @api_key %>" http://<%= @hostname %>/teams/<%= @team_id %>/maps
"error_code": "INVALID_API_KEY",
"message": "The api key does not match the team_id"
- INVALID_API_KEY, Api Key does not match team id
- INVALID_TEAM_ID, Team Id does not exist
- MISSING_API_KEY, Api Key is missing
## create map ####POST /teams/:team_id/maps ***
Adds a map to your team's list. You need to upload at least one map before you can play
###Request Parameters
- grid map in a five element array of ships. A ship is of the form x pos, y pos, ship size, direction of ship. The grid must contain
| Type of ships | Size |
| aircraft carrier | 5 |
| Battleship | 4 |
| submarine | 3 |
| cruiser | 3 |
| destroyer | 2 |
- [[2, 1, 5, "across"], [0, 3, 4, "down"], [2, 6, 3, "across"], [6, 4, 3, "across"], [3, 4, 2, "down"]] would be
| | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
| 0 | | | | | | | | | | |
| 1 | | | x | x | x | x | x | | | |
| 2 | | | | | | | | | | |
| 3 | x | | | | | | | | | |
| 4 | x | | | x | | | x | x | x | |
| 5 | x | | | x | | | | | | |
| 6 | x | | x | x | x | | | | | |
| 7 | | | | | | | | | | |
| 8 | | | | | | | | | | |
| 9 | | | | | | | | | | |
###Example Request
curl -H "HTTP-MIDWAY-API-KEY: <%= @api_key %>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"grid":[[2, 1, 5, "across"], [0, 3, 4, "down"], [2, 6, 3, "across"], [6, 4, 3, "across"], [3, 4, 2, "down"]]}' http://<%= @hostname %>/teams/<%= @team_id %>/maps
###Example Response
The new map. If the POST was not successful then status code 422 will be returned along with the error which prevented the map from being created.
- id Unique identifier for the map, used to update or delete it
- error_code An error code, if applicable.
- message An error message, if applicable.
"id": "2"
"error_code": "SHIP_OUT_OF_BOUNDS",
"message": "Ships are positioned outside of map"
- NOT_ENOUGH_SHIPS, Not enough ships
- TOO_MANY_SHIPS, Too many ships
- WRONG_SHIP_SIZE, Ships are not of the required size
- SHIPS_OVERLAP, Ships in collision
- SHIP_OUT_OF_BOUNDS, Ship is positioned outside of map
- BADLY_FORMED_REQUEST, Request is invalid
## list maps #### GET /teams/:team_id/maps ***
Gets a list of your teams maps
###Request paramaters:
###Example Request
curl -H "HTTP-MIDWAY-API-KEY: <%= @api_key %>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://<%= @hostname %>/teams/<%= @team_id %>/maps
###Example Response
The list of your maps.
- grids An array of all the team's uploaded maps
- error_code An error code, if applicable.
- message An error message, if applicable.
"grids": { 1 => [[0, 0, 5, "across"], [6, 2, 4, "across"], [3, 6, 3, "down"], [7, 8, 3, "across"], [4, 6, 2, "across"]],
2 => [[2, 1, 5, "across"], [0, 3, 4, "down"], [2, 6, 3, "across"], [6, 4, 3, "across"], [3, 4, 2, "down"]]}
## delete map ####DELETE /teams/:team_id/maps/:id ***
Deletes the given map
###Request paramaters:
###Example Request
curl -H "HTTP-MIDWAY-API-KEY: <%= @api_key %>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X DELETE http://<%= @hostname %>/teams/<%= @team_id %>/maps/1
###Example Response
- id Unique identifier for the map, used to update or delete it
"error_code": "MAP_NOT_FOUND",
"message": {"error_code":"MAP_NOT_FOUND","message":"Map 1 not found."}
- MAP_NOT_FOUND, Map with that team id and or id does not exist
## make a move ####POST /teams/:team_id/game ***
This plays your next move in the current game. Games are started and ended automatically.
###Request Parameters
- move A two element array with the x and y position of your move
- test If you pass 'true' to this option it will start a test game, irrespective of the tournament you are in
###Return Parameters
- game_id The id of the current game
- grid The current grid with 'x' marking any hit position
- opponent_id Your opponents team id
- status Status of the move can be "miss", "hit", "hit and destroyed"
- move A two element array with the x and y position of your move
- game_status Game status can be 'in_progress', 'completed'
- moves Current move count
###Example Request
curl -H "HTTP-MIDWAY-API-KEY: <%= @api_key %>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"move":[2,1]}' http://<%= @hostname %>/teams/<%= @team_id %>/game
###Example Response
"game_id": 2,
"grid": ["oxoxoxoxox","oxoxoxoxox","oxoxoxoxox","oxoxoxoxox","oxoxoxoxox","oxoxoxoxox","oxoxoxoxox","oxoxoxoxox","oxoxoxoxox","oxoxoxoxo"]
"opponent_id": 3,
"status": "hit",
"move": [2,1],
"game_status": "completed",
"moves": 34
"error_code": "OUT_OF_RANGE",
"message": "move is outside of map"
- OUT_OF_RANGE, move is outside of map
- NO_GAME, There is currently no game to play
- NO_TOURNAMENT, Your team is not currently in any in progress tournament
- BADLY_FORMED_REQUEST, Request is invalid
- NO_MAPS_UPLOADED, Your team does not have any maps so can not enter tournament
## game status ####GET /teams/:team_id/game ***
This returns the state of the current game
###Request Parameters
###Return Parameters
- game_id The id of the current game
- grid The current grid with 'x' marking any hit position
- opponent_id Your opponents team id
- game_status Game status can be 'in_progress', 'completed'
- moves Current move count
###Example Request
curl -H "HTTP-MIDWAY-API-KEY: <%= @api_key %>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://<%= @hostname %>/teams/<%= @team_id %>/game
###Example Response
"grid": ["ox***xoxox","ox*****xox","oxoxoxoxox","oxoxoxoxox","oxoxoxoxox","oxoxoxoxox","oxoxoxoxox","oxoxoxoxox","oxoxoxoxox","oxoxoxoxo"]