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Based on discussion in #113 removed default popup implementation from…
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… navigator, made touch handling always send data across the bridge, noteref delegate method returns bool.
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tooolbox committed Apr 24, 2020
1 parent cc62715 commit 7514e06
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Showing 8 changed files with 108 additions and 154 deletions.
5 changes: 0 additions & 5 deletions r2-navigator-swift.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
/* Begin PBXBuildFile section */
0D77748B244F978A00A5E857 /* R2Shared.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 0D777488244F977E00A5E857 /* R2Shared.framework */; };
0D77748D244F97F200A5E857 /* SwiftSoup.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 0D77747E244F970E00A5E857 /* SwiftSoup.framework */; };
0D777495244FEB2200A5E857 /* BarButtonItem.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 0D777494244FEB2200A5E857 /* BarButtonItem.swift */; };
CA0B3AC3222EE555006D9363 /* PDFNavigatorViewController.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = CA0B3AC2222EE555006D9363 /* PDFNavigatorViewController.swift */; };
CA1E4F4B240037E6009C4DE3 /* CompletionList.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = CA1E4F4A240037E6009C4DE3 /* CompletionList.swift */; };
CA26EF7E22803FE90011653E /* VisualNavigator.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = CA26EF7D22803FE90011653E /* VisualNavigator.swift */; };
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -58,7 +57,6 @@
03C3CC67222DBD8600A01731 /* R2Shared.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = wrapper.framework; path = R2Shared.framework; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; };
0D77747E244F970E00A5E857 /* SwiftSoup.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = SwiftSoup.framework; path = "../r2-testapp-swift/Carthage/Build/iOS/SwiftSoup.framework"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
0D777482244F977E00A5E857 /* r2-shared-swift.xcodeproj */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "wrapper.pb-project"; name = "r2-shared-swift.xcodeproj"; path = "../r2-shared-swift/r2-shared-swift.xcodeproj"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
0D777494244FEB2200A5E857 /* BarButtonItem.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = BarButtonItem.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
0D82BF0D244EAC62006FDB31 /* SwiftSoup.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = SwiftSoup.framework; path = Carthage/Build/iOS/SwiftSoup.framework; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
0D82BF11244EAE04006FDB31 /* R2Shared.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = R2Shared.framework; path = Carthage/Build/iOS/R2Shared.framework; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
CA0B3AC2222EE555006D9363 /* PDFNavigatorViewController.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = PDFNavigatorViewController.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -131,8 +129,6 @@
CAF1E3F422DF23F400E807EA /* PaginationView.swift */,
CAC2A6D62292E4BA000AA2A7 /* WebView.swift */,
CAD178B522B3B553004E6812 /* R2NavigatorLocalizedString.swift */,
CA1E4F4A240037E6009C4DE3 /* CompletionList.swift */,
0D777494244FEB2200A5E857 /* BarButtonItem.swift */,
path = Toolkit;
sourceTree = "<group>";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -353,7 +349,6 @@
F3E7D3E61F4D84EF00DF166D /* EPUBSpreadView.swift in Sources */,
F3E7D42E1F4EE0FE00DF166D /* CBZNavigatorViewController.swift in Sources */,
CA479DC52264AEA20053445E /* UIColor.swift in Sources */,
0D777495244FEB2200A5E857 /* BarButtonItem.swift in Sources */,
CAD178B622B3B553004E6812 /* R2NavigatorLocalizedString.swift in Sources */,
CAEACA222272EFBD00476340 /* ImageViewController.swift in Sources */,
CACE84FB2254BFEE00E19E8B /* EditingAction.swift in Sources */,
Expand Down
7 changes: 3 additions & 4 deletions r2-navigator-swift/EPUB/EPUBFixedSpreadView.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -81,10 +81,9 @@ final class EPUBFixedSpreadView: EPUBSpreadView {

override func pointFromTap(_ data: [String : Any]) -> CGPoint? {
guard let x = data["screenX"] as? Int, let y = data["screenY"] as? Int else {
return nil
override func pointFromTap(_ data: TapData) -> CGPoint? {
let x = data.screenX
let y = data.screenY

return CGPoint(
x: CGFloat(x) * scrollView.zoomScale - scrollView.contentOffset.x + webView.frame.minX,
Expand Down
58 changes: 38 additions & 20 deletions r2-navigator-swift/EPUB/EPUBNavigatorViewController.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -367,49 +367,67 @@ extension EPUBNavigatorViewController: EPUBSpreadViewDelegate {
delegate?.navigator(self, presentExternalURL: url)

func spreadView(_ spreadView: EPUBSpreadView, didTapOnInternalLink href: String) {
func spreadView(_ spreadView: EPUBSpreadView, didTapOnInternalLink href: String, anchor: String?) {

// Check to see if this was a noteref link and give delegate the opportunity to display it.
if let anchor = anchor, let note = getNoteContent(anchor: anchor), let delegate = self.delegate {
if delegate.navigator(self,
shouldNavigateToNoteAt: Link(href: href),
content: note,
source: anchor) == false {

go(to: Link(href: href))

func spreadView(_ spreadView: EPUBSpreadView, didTapOnNoterefLink html: String, resource: URL) {

func getNoteContent(anchor: String) -> String? {
do {
let doc = try parse(html)
guard let link = try"a[epub:type=noteref]").first() else {
return log(.error, "Could not find noteref link")
let doc = try parse(anchor)
guard let link = try"a[epub:type=noteref]").first() else { return nil }

let href = try link.attr("href")
guard let hashIndex = href.lastIndex(of: "#") else {
return log(.error, "Could not find hash in link \(href)")
log(.error, "Could not find hash in link \(href)")
return nil
let id = String(href[href.index(hashIndex, offsetBy: 1)...])
let withoutFragment = String(href[..<hashIndex])

guard var loc = self.currentLocation?.href else {
log(.error, "Couldn't get current location")
return nil
if loc.hasPrefix("/") {
loc = String(loc.dropFirst())

guard let base = publication.baseURL else {
log(.error, "Couldn't get publication base URL")
return nil

let resource = base.appendingPathComponent(loc)
guard let absolute = URL(string: withoutFragment, relativeTo: resource) else {
log(.error, "Could not get absolute URL from \(withoutFragment) relative to \(resource)")
log(.error, "Could not get absolute URL from \(withoutFragment) relative to \(self.resourcesURL?.absoluteString ?? "(no self.resourcesURL)")")
return nil

log(.debug, "Fetching note contents from \(absolute.absoluteString)")
let contents = try String(contentsOf: absolute)
let document = try parse(contents)
guard let aside = try"#\(id)").first() else {
log(.error, "Could not find the element '#\(id)' in document \(absolute)")

guard let safe = try clean(aside.html(), .relaxed()) else {
return log(.error, "Could not clean <aside>")
return nil

let from = try link.html()

delegate?.navigator(self, presentNote: safe, at: Link(href: absolute.absoluteString), from: from)
return try aside.html()

} catch {
log(.error, "Caught error while displaying noteref: \(error)")
log(.error, "Caught error while getting note content: \(error)")
return nil


func spreadViewPagesDidChange(_ spreadView: EPUBSpreadView) {
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7 changes: 3 additions & 4 deletions r2-navigator-swift/EPUB/EPUBReflowableSpreadView.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -108,10 +108,9 @@ final class EPUBReflowableSpreadView: EPUBSpreadView {

override func pointFromTap(_ data: [String : Any]) -> CGPoint? {
guard let x = data["clientX"] as? Int, let y = data["clientY"] as? Int else {
return nil
override func pointFromTap(_ data: TapData) -> CGPoint? {
let x = data.clientX
let y = data.clientY

var point = CGPoint(x: x, y: y)
if isScrollEnabled {
Expand Down
60 changes: 37 additions & 23 deletions r2-navigator-swift/EPUB/EPUBSpreadView.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,10 +27,7 @@ protocol EPUBSpreadViewDelegate: class {
func spreadView(_ spreadView: EPUBSpreadView, didTapOnExternalURL url: URL)

/// Called when the user tapped on an internal link.
func spreadView(_ spreadView: EPUBSpreadView, didTapOnInternalLink href: String)

/// Called when the user taps on a noteref link.
func spreadView(_ spreadView: EPUBSpreadView, didTapOnNoterefLink html: String, resource: URL)
func spreadView(_ spreadView: EPUBSpreadView, didTapOnInternalLink href: String, anchor: String?)

/// Called when the pages visible in the spread changed.
func spreadViewPagesDidChange(_ spreadView: EPUBSpreadView)
Expand All @@ -53,6 +50,8 @@ class EPUBSpreadView: UIView, Loggable {
let readingProgression: ReadingProgression
let userSettings: UserSettings
let editingActions: EditingActionsController

var lastTap: TapData? = nil

/// If YES, the content will be faded in once loaded.
let animatedLoad: Bool
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -196,27 +195,20 @@ class EPUBSpreadView: UIView, Loggable {

/// Called from the JS code when a tap is detected.
private func didTap(_ body: Any) {
guard let body = body as? [String: Any],
let point = pointFromTap(body) else

/// If the JS indicates the tap is being handled within the webview, don't take action,
/// just save the tap data for use by webView(_ webView:decidePolicyFor:decisionHandler:)
private func didTap(_ data: Any) {
let tapData = TapData(data: data)
lastTap = tapData

guard tapData.shouldHandle else { return }

guard let point = pointFromTap(tapData) else { return }
delegate?.spreadView(self, didTapAt: point)

/// Called from the JS code when a noteref is tapped.
private func didTapNoteref(_ html: Any) {
let html = html as? String,
let url = self.webView.url
else { return }
delegate?.spreadView(self, didTapOnNoterefLink: html, resource: url)

/// Converts the touch data returned by the JavaScript `tap` event into a point in the webview's coordinate space.
func pointFromTap(_ data: [String: Any]) -> CGPoint? {
func pointFromTap(_ data: TapData) -> CGPoint? {
// To override in subclasses.
return nil
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -356,7 +348,6 @@ class EPUBSpreadView: UIView, Loggable {
registerJSMessage(named: "tap") { [weak self] in self?.didTap($0) }
registerJSMessage(named: "spreadLoaded") { [weak self] in self?.spreadDidLoad($0) }
registerJSMessage(named: "selectionChanged") { [weak self] in self?.selectionDidChange($0) }
registerJSMessage(named: "tapNoteref") { [weak self] in self?.didTapNoteref($0) }

/// Add the message handlers for incoming javascript events.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -436,7 +427,7 @@ extension EPUBSpreadView: WKNavigationDelegate {
// Check if url is internal or external
if let baseURL = publication.baseURL, == {
let href = url.absoluteString.replacingOccurrences(of: baseURL.absoluteString, with: "/")
delegate?.spreadView(self, didTapOnInternalLink: href)
delegate?.spreadView(self, didTapOnInternalLink: href, anchor: self.lastTap?.anchor)
} else {
delegate?.spreadView(self, didTapOnExternalURL: url)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -517,3 +508,26 @@ private extension EPUBSpreadView {


/// Produced by gestures.js
struct TapData {
let shouldHandle: Bool
let screenX: Int
let screenY: Int
let clientX: Int
let clientY: Int
let anchor: String?

init(dict: [String: Any]) {
self.shouldHandle = dict["shouldHandle"] as? Bool ?? false
self.screenX = dict["screenX"] as? Int ?? 0
self.screenY = dict["screenY"] as? Int ?? 0
self.clientX = dict["clientX"] as? Int ?? 0
self.clientY = dict["clientY"] as? Int ?? 0
self.anchor = dict["anchor"] as? String

init(data: Any) {
self.init(dict: data as? [String: Any] ?? [String: Any]())
35 changes: 21 additions & 14 deletions r2-navigator-swift/EPUB/Resources/Scripts/gestures.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,28 +7,33 @@

function onClick(event) {
if (isNoteref( {

// If the app should handle the tap.
// Examples of the app handling the tap would be
// navigating left/right, or show/hide the toolbar.
// If false, the tap is being handled within the webview,
// such as with a hyperlink or by an publication's JS handler.
let appShouldHandle = true;

if (event.defaultPrevented || isInteractiveElement( {
appShouldHandle = false;

if (!window.getSelection().isCollapsed) {
// There's an on-going selection, the tap will dismiss it so we don't forward it.

// Send the tap data over the JS bridge even if it's been handled
// within the webview, so that it can be preserved and used
// by the WKNavigationDelegate if needed.
"shouldHandle": appShouldHandle,
"screenX": event.screenX,
"screenY": event.screenY,
"clientX": event.clientX,
"clientY": event.clientY,
"anchor": getNearestAnchor(,

// We don't want to disable the default WebView behavior as it breaks some features without bringing any value.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -69,16 +74,18 @@
return false;

function isNoteref(element) {
if (
element.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'a' &&
element.getAttributeNS('', 'type') === 'noteref'
) {
return true;
// Retrieves the markup of <a>...</a> if the tap was
// anywhere within such an element (i.e. even on an <em> tag within it).
// We return the markup rather than just a boolean as this could be more
// useful further up the line.
function getNearestAnchor(element) {
if (element.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'a') {
return element.outerHTML;
if (element.parentElement) {
return isNoteref(element.parentElement);
return getNearestAnchor(element.parentElement);
return null;

50 changes: 6 additions & 44 deletions r2-navigator-swift/Navigator.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,11 +12,9 @@
import Foundation
import SafariServices
import R2Shared
import SwiftSoup
import WebKit

public protocol Navigator: UIViewController {
public protocol Navigator {

/// Current position in the publication.
/// Can be used to save a bookmark to the current position.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -88,8 +86,8 @@ public protocol NavigatorDelegate: AnyObject {
/// Called when the user tapped an external URL. The default implementation opens the URL with the default browser.
func navigator(_ navigator: Navigator, presentExternalURL url: URL)

/// Called when the user tapped on a noteref such as a footnote. The default implementation opens the target "aside" in a modal.
func navigator(_ navigator: Navigator, presentNote content: String, at link: Link, from source: String)
/// Called when the user taps on a noteref link.
func navigator(_ navigator: Navigator, shouldNavigateToNoteAt link: Link, content: String, source: String) -> Bool


Expand All @@ -101,47 +99,11 @@ public extension NavigatorDelegate {


public extension NavigatorDelegate {

func navigator(_ navigator: Navigator, presentNote content: String, at link: Link, from source: String) {

var title = try? clean(source, .none())
if title == "*" {
title = nil

let content = (try? clean(content, .none())) ?? ""
let page =
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

let wk = WKWebView()
wk.loadHTMLString(page, baseURL: nil)

let vc = UIViewController()
vc.view = wk
vc.navigationItem.title = title
vc.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = BarButtonItem(barButtonSystemItem: .done, actionHandler: { (item) in
vc.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)

let nav = UINavigationController(rootViewController: vc)
nav.modalPresentationStyle = .formSheet
navigator.present(nav, animated: true, completion: nil)
func navigator(_ navigator: Navigator, shouldNavigateToNoteAt link: Link, content: String, source: String) -> Bool {
return true


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