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local deployment

  1. open terminal to project root dir ,Install node dependencies using npm install
  2. check code with npm lint
  3. To create random test data run npm run testdata
  4. run server npm start


Configuration files are located under config dir. See
Some settings (e.g AWS credentials) must be set only as Environment variables. Check file custom-environment-variables.json for full list.

Name Description
LOG_LEVEL The logging level for the api's
PORT The port to listen
AUTH0_CLIENT_ID The auth0 client id
JWT_SECRET The jwt secret
mail.SMTP_HOST The smtp hostname
mail.SMTP_PORT The smtp port
mail.EMAIL_FROM The from email address
mail.SMTP_USERNAME The smtp username
mail.SMTP_PASSWORD The smtp password
AWS_ACCESS_KEY The AWS Access Key see
AWS_REGION Your AWS access region. You should use all services from the same region (Currently only S3 is used).
S3_BUCKET The S3 bucket name for file upload.

AWS settings are optional to set, but file upload will not working (you can use other features).

Mail service configuration

mailgun is used as mail service.

  • Create an account on mailgun.
  • By default a sandbox domain is created. Click on sandbox domain and copy the Default SMTP Login and Default Password and set them as environment variables. export SMTP_USERNAME= export SMTP_PASSWORD=
  • The host and port are configured for mailgun.

When we create an account on mailgun, by default only sandbox domain is enabled. To successfully send email from this sandbox domain you have to add the user to authorized recipients list.


  1. open postman
  2. import test/Provider-dsp.postman_collection , test/Provider-dsp-env.postman_environment.json.
  3. test data create 6 provider with user , use username provider1 - provder6, password 123456 login , when login success ,the token will be injected to postman env.
  4. test other api endpoints.

test nfx

import test/NFZ.postman_collection.json it contains only endpoints for No Fly Zone endpoints

Smart Location Updates

I added three query parameters returnNFZ, nfzFields and nfzLimit to API PUT /drones/{id} for getting the array of violated No fly zones in the response data. A Sample usage to get the violated no fly zones with fields description, isActive, isPermanent: curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "lat":38.90709540316193, "lng":-77.03920125961304 }' "$URL/drones/5866f36af66a5654a0816991?returnNFZ=true&nfzFields=description,isActive,isPermanent" The response data will contain an extra field noFlyZones, which contains an array of NoFlyZone that the drone has violated. You could specified the returned fields of noFlyZones by nfzFields parameter. If you omit the nfzFields, all fields except the location will be returned. The parameter nfzLimit is for limit the number of returned NoFlyZones, if it is omitted, then all the NoFlyZones are returned. Note: the _id of the NoFlyZone is always returned. The approach to get the array of violated no fly zones is based on the, the steps are:

  1. Define the search criteria: be active, matched time, geometry is "Point" type, the point coordinate is the drone's location.
       isActive: true,
        matchTime: true,
        geometry: {
          type: 'Point',
          coordinates: drone.currentLocation,
        projFields: ['circle', 'description', 'startTime', 'endTime', 'isActive', 'isPermanent', 'mission'],
  2. Call to search no fly zones. Since we only needs to get part of the fields of NoFlyZone, I added a field projFields to the search criteria. The field projFields could search in MongoDB with projection, which helps to improve the performance. Additionally, the projFields could be overrided by nfzFields if it is provided. nfzFields=description,isActive,isPermanent will be converted to ['description', 'isActive', 'isPermanent'].
  3. Retrieve the array of no fly zones from the returned object, and add the items field to the response of this API. It is added to the field noFlyZones.

Nearest Drone Updates

I added another three query parameters nearDronesMaxDist, nearDroneFields and nearDronesLimit to API PUT /drones/{id} for getting the nearest drones. A Sample usage to get 100 nearest drones within 1000 meters: curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "lat":38.90709540316193, "lng":-77.03920125961304 }' "$URL/drones/5866f36af66a5654a0816991?nearDronesMaxDist=1000&nearDronesLimit=100&nearDroneFields=currentLocation,status,name,description" The response data will contain an extra field nearestDrones. This field contains an array of Drones (100 at most) that are ordered by distance. To avoid return all fields of drones in the response data, you could specify the fields to be returned by nearDroneFields. The example above returns the fields currentLocation, status, name, description, _id. If the nearDronesMaxDist is omitted or 0, no nearest drones will be contained in the response data. If the nearDronesLimit is omitted or 0, only 1 nearest drone will be returned. If the nearDroneFields is omitted, all the fields of drones will be returned, which is not necessary. So this field is suggested to be provided. A new field dist is contained in the response data for indicating the distance (in meter) between the drone and the current drone. Note: the _id of Drone is always returned. The approach to get the array of nearest drones is based on the geospatial of MongoDB. The steps are:

  1. Add the 2dsphere index to Drone.currentLocation, since it is not a required field, we need to specify sparse: true.
  2. Rebuild the index. Since the data are for test, we could regenerate test data for rebuilding the index for simplicity.
  3. As we need to add dist field to the response data, we use $geoNear instead of $nearSphere. Set the $geoNear option as
      near: {
        type: 'Point',
        coordinates: drone.currentLocation,
      distanceField: 'dist',
      maxDistance: nearDronesMaxDist,
      spherical: true,
      query: {
        _id: { $ne: ObjectId(id) },
    which means to search by Point and filter the current drone itself.
  4. Add limit and $project according to the query parameter nearDronesLimit, nearDroneFields.
  5. Aggregate Drone and add returned array to the response of this API. The array is added to the field nearestDrones.


you also can export those values before run(data from forum). export AUTH0_CLIENT_ID="3CGKzjS2nVSqHxHHE64RhvvKY6e0TYpK" export JWT_SECRET="fJtXfFYt-F9iees7CSw8rOOr-tYsJocoZTz3pLF5NynamB07JFPeFOEuzfbcT7SD" export MONGOLAB_URI="mongodb://" export SMTP_HOST="" export SMTP_PORT="465" export SMTP_USERNAME="youremail" export SMTP_PASSWORD="yourpassword" export EMAIL_FROM=""

S3 setup

  "Version": "2008-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "AllowPublicRead",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "AWS": "*"
      "Action": "s3:GetObject",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::dsp-21472/*"

Update dsp-21472 to your bucket name.

  • Click on Add CORS Configuration and set below policy
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CORSConfiguration xmlns="">

In production mode, you should restrict AllowedOrigin.