Wagtail + CodeRed Extensions enabling rapid development of marketing-focused websites.
Dec 10, 2024 - Python
Bootstrap is a popular front-end framework that streamlines website design. It allows for the creation of easy and responsive web layouts.
Wagtail + CodeRed Extensions enabling rapid development of marketing-focused websites.
A Django plugin for creating AJAX driven forms in Bootstrap modal.
Bootstrap 5 integration with Django.
Django Boilerplate - Material Kit Design | AppSeed
The world’s most high-end designed, lightweight, and feature-rich learning management system. Open source learning management system using django web framework. Course add and drop, grade and assessment result management, online quiz, report generator, student and lecturers management, dashboard, and so much more...
User Authentication in Flask using Flask-Login
The mypy playground. Try mypy with your web browser.
A student management system built using Django 4, HTML 5, CSS 3, and Bootstrap 5 with a Bootswatch theme.
django CMS frontend is a plugin bundle for django CMS providing several components for the frontend, currently implemented with the popular Bootstrap 5 framework.
This is an inpainting website base on EdgeConnect/这是一个基于EdgeConnect的图像修复网站 并免费提供关于图像修复方向领域的文献资料
Connecting a React frontend to a Flask backend, then performing a fetch from the Flask backend.
A guide for styling Plotly Dash components and figures with a Bootstrap theme
Bootswatch themes for py-shiny
Virtual rating system for codeforces using codeforces API.
Simple extension for django-tables2 can dynamically show or hide columns. Using JQuery, Bootstrap 3, Bootstrap 4, Bootstrap 5 and Django >=1.9
An Instagram bot that can mass text users, receive and read a text, and store it somewhere with user details.
An email client that makes API calls to send and receive emails built using Django 4, HTML 5, CSS 3, Bootstrap 5 with a Bootswatch theme, and vanilla JavaScript.
Project Name Game Py .This is a website of games selling ,pc and its accessories
my python mini projects as part of the complete python Pro Bootcamp for 2023 - 100 Days of Code course
Created by Mark Otto, Jacob Thornton
Released August 19, 2011