Jupyter Notebooks for Learning CS Foundational Concepts using C++
Sep 5, 2023 - TeX
C++ is a popular and widely used mid-level language. It was designed as an extension of the C language.
Jupyter Notebooks for Learning CS Foundational Concepts using C++
CS3 - Introduction to Algorithms in C++ using Jupyter Notebooks
My algorithms notebook
Notebook - Algorithm for competitive programming
Machine learning self-notes, review the best papers across all times.
Better AlienFX/LightFX SDK than Dell official's one without any limitations. Support virtually any Alienware/Dell G notebook, desktops, monitors, mouse, keyboards.
Heuristics and metaheuristisc algorithms to the famous np-hard Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) . Made in C++ and experimented in detail with Jupyter Notebook.
Dynamic programming, Backtracking and Brute force algorithms. Made in C++ and experimented with Jupyter Notebook
Simple and hackable jupyter kernel for running c++ (c plus plus) codes inside a python notebook
Neural network for binary sentiment analysis made in C++. Data cleaned with Python/Jupyter notebook. Coded from scratch using STL.
Created by Bjarne Stroustrup
Released October 1985