Modern implementation of the original Dartmouth BASIC compilers in the D programming language
Sep 28, 2024 - D
D is a general-purpose programming language with static typing, systems-level access, and C-like syntax.
Modern implementation of the original Dartmouth BASIC compilers in the D programming language
📦️📫️📧️🇴.🇸🏣️ The official source repository for the package manager component of the MailOS operating system.
A repository for showcasing my knowledge of the D programming language, and continuing to learn the language.
🗓️📅️📆️ DCalendar (Digital Calendar) is a web calendar that uses an implementation of the DCAL format (but supports other calendar formats as well) it is written in D, and part of the DMail family of web productivity software.
A simple transpiler project that converts source code written in C to D code. The conversion takes place through a series of steps, including lexical, syntactic, and semantic analysis. The final result is a D code equivalent to that written in C.
🎵️🎶️✊️🛢️💾️ The official source repository for SeansAudioDB AutoGrabber, a tool for listening to currently playing songs and sound effects, cataloging them, and downloading them (all on its own)
🏡️🪑️👴️ The LANMan (or Old Man) is a component of the LANChair software that allows you to kick people off your LAN, or let them use it. It is written in D. Now git off my LAN!
🇩📧️🖼️ The official source repository for the DMAIL Client implementation of the EMAIL 2.0 Stamp collection protocol.
🇩📧️2️⃣️📤️🏠️💾️ The official source repository for the DMAIL implementation of the EMAIL 2 Self Hosting specification, enabling easier self-hosting of EMAIL.
🇩🗣️📧️📮️📫️🧾️ The official source repository for the DMAIL Gallery component, implementing the EMAIL 2 Gallery specification.
🇩📧️🖼️ The official source repository for the DMAIL Client implementation of the EMAIL 2.0 Stamp protocol.
🇩🛢️📧️ The official source repository for the DMAIL SpamCan component, implementing the EMAIL 2 SpamCan specification.
🇩🔳️📧️ The official source repository for the DMAIL VRMail configuration, implementing the EMAIL 2.0 VRMail specification.
🇩📧️2️⃣️💻️💾️ The official source repository for the DMAIL implementation of the EMAIL 2 SelfHost specification.
🇩📧️🛠️💾️ The official source repository for the AutomationTools component, implementing the EMAIL AutomationTools specification.
🇩🗣️📧️📮️📫️📩️ The official source repository for the DMAIL Screening component, implementing the EMAIL 2 Screening specification.
🇩🎇️📧️📭️💾️ The official source repository for the DMAIL FancyInbox configuration, implementing the EMAIL 2.0 FancyInbox specification.
🇩📧️🗺️ The official source repository for the DMAIL MailMapper component, implementing the EMAIL 2.0 MailMapping specification.
🏡️🪑️📶️ LANChair is a set of tools for managing LAN (Local Area Network) connections