🧛🏻♂️ Dark theme for tmux
Jan 8, 2025 - Shell
A light-on-dark color scheme —also called black mode, dark mode, dark theme, night mode, or lights-out — is a color scheme that uses light-colored text, icons, and graphical user interface elements on a dark background. It is often discussed in terms of computer user interface design and web design.
🧛🏻♂️ Dark theme for tmux
Atom's One Dark and One Light theme for GNOME Terminal
A CLI tool for changing Slack's desktop app colors
A Dark theme for the pihole admin page.
An official CodeSandbox theme for Visual Studio Code.
A colour scheme for Sublime Text and Visual Studio Code that takes design cues from popular minimalist Markdown text editors.
Suru++ 25 Dark — A full dark cyberpunk, elegant, futuristic and Papirus-like third-party icons theme
A simple and dark theme enough for Alfred, iTerm, Sublime, Terminal (Mac), ZSH, Sequel Pro and Slack
5 flavors of Tomorrow theme based on specifications from Tomorrow Theme (i.e. dark/blue and light).
Mr Robot GRUB theme 🤖🔥
🍭 Beautiful light and dark theme eye candy 🍬 with multiple fonts 🍩 for the 🔥 ALACRITTY terminal
🧛🏻♂️ Dark theme for zsh-syntax-highlighting
A Monokai Pro color theme for tmux
ayu color theme for Fish shell