Official Code for DragGAN (SIGGRAPH 2023)
May 18, 2024 - Python
Generative adversarial networks (GAN) are a class of generative machine learning frameworks. A GAN consists of two competing neural networks, often termed the Discriminator network and the Generator network. GANs have been shown to be powerful generative models and are able to successfully generate new data given a large enough training dataset.
Official Code for DragGAN (SIGGRAPH 2023)
SoftVC VITS Singing Voice Conversion
Image-to-Image Translation in PyTorch
Bringing Old Photo Back to Life (CVPR 2020 oral)
A list of all named GANs!
Synthesizing and manipulating 2048x1024 images with conditional GANs
Tensorflow tutorial from basic to hard, 莫烦Python 中文AI教学
Interactive Image Generation via Generative Adversarial Networks
Simplest working implementation of Stylegan2, state of the art generative adversarial network, in Pytorch. Enabling everyone to experience disentanglement
[CVPR2020] Adversarial Latent Autoencoders
Compute FID scores with PyTorch.
StudioGAN is a Pytorch library providing implementations of representative Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) for conditional/unconditional image generation.
DeepFill v1/v2 with Contextual Attention and Gated Convolution, CVPR 2018, and ICCV 2019 Oral
深度学习与PyTorch入门实战视频教程 配套源代码和PPT
Collection of generative models in Pytorch version.
EdgeConnect: Structure Guided Image Inpainting using Edge Prediction, ICCV 2019
Synthetic data generation for tabular data
Contrastive unpaired image-to-image translation, faster and lighter training than cyclegan (ECCV 2020, in PyTorch)
Text to image synthesis using thought vectors
A large-scale face dataset for face parsing, recognition, generation and editing.
Released June 10, 2014