It is a library that provides a common interface for mobile services for Android developers. Its aim is removing special mobile service dependencies for your app code.
Sep 26, 2024 - Kotlin
HMS Core is an assortment of open device and cloud capabilities provided by HMS, dedicated to helping developers build high-quality apps with minimal hassle. Noteworthy capabilities include: Account Kit, In-App Purchases (IAP), Push Kit, Game Service, Location Kit, Map Kit, Ads Kit, and ML Kit.
It is a library that provides a common interface for mobile services for Android developers. Its aim is removing special mobile service dependencies for your app code.
Various scanner use cases using Firebase or HMS ML-Kit
A simple scrollable HMS time picker view for Android.
The Mole Analysis application we are developing for Melonama skin cancer awareness will help you get an idea about your suspicious-looking moles and follow them with the support of HMS ML Kit.
Companion App using HUAWEI Health Kit, Huawei WearEngine, Kotlin DSL with buildSrc, Android Achitecture Components, Dagger2 and UnitTests that interacts with a Harmony OS Watch.
In this Application You will learn HMS & AGCConnect Service for Huawei Devices
Support libraries for Huawei Network Kit
An Android application related to Huawei Push Kit 🚨 📩 📨
This app includes Implementation of Huawei and Google Kits in a single codebase using Build Variants. 🗺 📩
A powerful library for easy implementation of HMS Location Kit.
A simple template to start the computer vision on Android with Compose and CameraX, support repo for the post:
Authenticate your Firebase users with Huawei ID
Making video caption with AI
Custom camera view for Huawei ML Kit services that can work with camera stream.
A utility application to obtain the device and OS information.
Used Huawei HMS Core Kits. This application shows you the pharmacies on duty. It also takes your location and shows you nearby pharmacies on the map.
Sample integration of Huawei Mobile Services (HMS, Map Kit) for existing app with Google Mobile Services. This repo show how to create HMS flavour of your app and split GPS/HMS imports when using Android Architecture components (LiveData and ModelView).
Created by HUAWEI-Mobile-Services-Core