11straps is a static website boilerplate. It combines Eleventy with Bootstrap 5. 🎉
Jun 16, 2023 - SCSS
Nunjucks is a templating language that is compiled using JavaScript.
Although language-agnostic it is typically used to create HTML files.
It allows for source code to be simplified using macros or blocks, avoiding repetition, and supports inheritance.
11straps is a static website boilerplate. It combines Eleventy with Bootstrap 5. 🎉
Minimal start-project with Webpack, Sass and Nunjucks for static bundling.
gulp 4 starter kit with HTML5 template, browser-sync & Nunjucks HTML templating
A basic template to develop a website based on Bootstrap 5
Personal portfolio site for Joe Karow
Personal website, this time on Netlify
gulp 4 starter kit with Webpack-stream, browser-sync & Nunjucks HTML5 templates
SCSS/JS website component library. Built on its own Gulp-based static site generator.
Jaffna Classless CSS
A boilerplate that uses Gulp, SASS and Nunjucks to quickly start on projects! 🚀
A multipage static site generator built with Webpack. Nunjucks + TypeScript ESNext + SCSS.
A web development starter pack based on Gulp with Browserify/ES6/Sass/Nunjucks/Iconfonts
WORK IN PROGRESS - My online resume built with 11ty, Nunjucks by Mozilla, and hosted with Netlify @ https://ryanmartin-resume.netlify.app/
Released September 2012
Latest release over 1 year ago