Comprehensive data proxy to knowledge about real world
Jan 21, 2023 - Ruby
Open data is data that can be freely used, re-used, and redistributed by anyone - subject only, at most, to the requirement to attribute and sharealike.
Comprehensive data proxy to knowledge about real world
For finding, sharing and exchanging Data, Models, Simulations and Processes in Science.
json-next gem - read generation y / next generation json versions (HanSON, SON, JSONX/JSON11, etc.) with comments, unquoted keys, multi-line strings, trailing commas, optional commas, and more
Scraper for the official dashboard with current Corona case numbers, traffic light indicators ("Corona-Ampel") and vaccination situation for Berlin.
Open Dataset of Electric Vehicle specs. Maintained by Kilowatt, the electric charging timer app for iOS.
An independent open data portal for Arlington, MA
Cleaned stats for 2018 for the Berlin Open Data Portal
RDF version of open dataset on businesses with delivery and pickup services in Berlin (in times of COVID-19)
Tottori OpenData PM2.5 API Server