Check that your CSV files are valid
May 3, 2024 - SCSS
Ruby on Rails (Rails) is a web application framework written in Ruby. It is meant to help simplify the building of complex websites.
Check that your CSV files are valid
Hotel rooms booking application in rails with Ui and backend
A series of articles about Rails upgrades; performance; and maintainability
Ruby Simpleton
Ruby on Rails Web Uygulama Geliştirme Kitabı - Örnek Forum Uygulaması
My personal website code, playground and learning lab
A Rubygem to save full log/output of your requests, errors, etc for viewing within ActiveTracker
Twidder is a redesign of Twitter social media app. Users can share their ongoing fun activity by making 'twids' on this platform. To 'twid' is an abbreviation for 'tell what I'm doing', coined from the word 'tweet'(from Twitter). Users can compose a twid of current fun activity, and other users on the platform can reply/ comment on that twid, li…
deprecated older portfolio piece: Ruby on Rails Application integrating the Google Maps API and Foundation CSS Framework.
A gem to provide MapLibre GL JS for Rails applications 🚆
Plantilla Agency de Bootstrap aplicada a un proyecto en Rails 6
Personal Portfolio web-app built with Ruby on Rails, HTML, CSS, Javascript. Currently, displaying main contact details and my personal work selection. Next releases will introduce backend services using Ruby.
Encore's Blog - Rails5, Ruby2.5
Contribute effectively towards the growth of a business
Aplicación de trueque de vinilos realizado con Ruby on Rails y Postgresql (MVP)
my personal website, hosted using Github Pages. forked from jalpc
Donut and cake online shop
A SaaS application written in ruby
Created by David Heinemeier Hansson
Released December 13 2005