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Feb 27, 2024 - HTML
Selenium is an umbrella project encapsulating a variety of tools and libraries enabling web browser automation. Selenium specifically provides an infrastructure for the W3C WebDriver specification — a platform and language-neutral coding interface compatible with all major web browsers.
Learn Python for the next 30 (or so) Days.
`scrape_linkedin` is a python package that allows you to scrape personal LinkedIn profiles & company pages - turning the data into structured json.
Browser automation solution for Kubernetes and Openshift supporting Selenium, Playwright, Puppeteer and Cypress
Selenium automation test framework
Automation Testing | Web | Java | OOPS | Selenium WebDriver | TestNG | Maven | ExtentReports | Java mail API | Design Pattern(Page Object Model) | Owner | Data Supplier | Custom Annotations and Enums
SpecFlow Selenium C# BDD Automation Framework from Scratch
Python实战项目:爬取糗事百科、拉勾网、boss直聘等等知名网站实战,搭建响应式网站、Python web项目。
WhatsApp auto forward message from one group to another group.
Framework for browser UI automation
Web app to match resume to job type, using nlp svm classifier model. Data via webscraping. Uploaded resume converted from PDF to text using OCR.
This is sample of widely used POM framework in selenium using Java as scripting language. Maven is used for dependency management and continuous development. TestNG is used to maintain test cases
A framework for running appium tests in parallel across devices and also on desktop browser... U like it STAR it !!
Automated testing in Google home page.
This is Chirag... and this Repo for Cucumber code...... You can see Cucumber tutorial video at given you tube channel
Sample project to cover common selenium usecase
C# WebDriver screenshots extensions, like a screenshot entire page
Web scraping with Selenium Webdriver and MongoDB, deployed to Heroku
Run Selenide and Selenium scripts on LambdaTest automation cloud. A sample repo to help you run Selenide framework based test scripts in parallel with LambdaTest automation testing cloud
Selenium Framework project using Java, Maven, TestNG, BDD, DDT , POM, Selenium Grid, Sauce Labs, Zalenium, Docker, Allure Test Report, Jenkins Pipeline and Slack Integration into Jenkins File.