Docker containers that include ansible latest stable 2.x version.
Oct 31, 2024 - Dockerfile
Ubuntu builds upon Debian's architecture to provide a Linux server and desktop operating system. Ubuntu prioritizes security, as the majority of its network ports are closed by default.
Docker containers that include ansible latest stable 2.x version.
Docker image of Swift for Linux on Ubuntu 16.04
Docker images for the machine learning environment. This project cover Python and ML packages, GPU support, C++.
This project installs Kafka on Ubuntu 16.04 Docker image and use Docker-Compose to start the Kafka cluster.
Github repo for monius/petalinux in docker hub.
Docker image of jazzy on ubuntu 16.04
It contains the dockerfiles for the purpose of machine learning / deep learning research.
🐳 Docker image with Ubuntu 16.04, Node.js v10, PHP 7.2, Google Chrome
🐳 Docker image with Ubuntu 16.04, Node.js v6.x, PHP 7.1.x, Google Chrome
🐳 Docker image with Ubuntu 16.04, Node.js v10, PHP 7.1, Google Chrome
This is a stand alone Jupyter notebook server docker configuration, with an integration with TensorFlow CPU version.
A base Ansible container
🐳 Docker image with Ubuntu 16.04, Node.js v10, PHP 7.3, Google Chrome
Google Cloud SDK on Ubuntu Xenial Docker image.
Ubuntu 16.04 Base image for VSCode codespaces
Created by Canonical Ltd., Ubuntu community
Released October 2004