Convert rocksdb tikv toml config into toplingdb json config.
toml2json for tikv:
- toml.hpp is from
- Change toml.hpp for replace char '-' to '_' in json key
- for convert tikv toml into sideplugin json
- repo.ImportAutoFile("tikv-toml.json") then
- repo.ImportAutoFile("tikv-other.json")
config in 4 & 5 will be merged, conf item in 5 will override which in 4.
There some conf items are not compatible between TiKV and ToplingDB sideplugin, such as time durations, which are like "10m", "10ms", ...
TiKV can also use toml to build DBOptions and CFOptions, then:
// Build DBOptions and CFOptions by TiKV's toml
std::shared_ptr<DBOptions> dbo = ...;
std::shared_ptr<CFOptions> default_cfo = ...;
std::shared_ptr<CFOptions> lock_cfo = ...;
std::shared_ptr<CFOptions> write_cfo = ...;
repo.Put('dbo', dbo);
repo.Put('default', default_cfo);
repo.Put('lock', lock_cfo);
repo.Put('default', default_cfo);
// Import ToplingDB sideplugin conf, conf items in TiKV's toml
// will be replaced by which in sideplugin.json
This solution is perfect.