This is a self-contained single-image multi-user CoCalc server.
- This is _not blatantly insecure from outside attack: the database has a long random password, user accounts are separate, encrypted SSL communication is used by default, etc.
- That said, a determined user with an account can easily access or change files of other users in the same container! Use this for personal use, behind a firewall, or with an account creation token, so that only other people you trust create accounts. Don't make one of these publicly available with important data in it and no account creation token! See issue 2031.
- See the open docker-related CoCalc issues, which may include several issues.
Install Docker on your computer (e.g., apt-get install
on Ubuntu). Make sure you have at least 8GB disk space free, then type
docker run --name=cocalc -d -v ~/cocalc:/projects -p 443:443 sagemathinc/cocalc
wait a minute, then visit https://localhost. It is expected that you'll see a "Your connection is not private" warning, since you haven't set up a security certificate. Click "Show advanced" and "Proceed to localhost (unsafe)".
- This Docker image only supports 64-bit Intel.
- If you get an error about the Docker daemon, instead run
sudo docker ...
. - CoCalc will NOT work over insecure port 80. A previous version of these direction suggested using -p 80:80 above and visiting http://localhost, which will not work.
The above command will first download the image, then start CoCalc, storing your data in the directory ~/cocalc
on your computer. If you want to store your worksheets and edit history elsewhere, change ~/cocalc
to something else. Once your local CoCalc is running, open your web browser to https://localhost.
The docker container is called cocalc
and you can refer to the container and use commands like:
$ docker stop cocalc
$ docker start cocalc
You can watch the logs:
$ docker logs cocalc -f
However, these logs often don't work. In that case get a bash shell in the terminal and look at the logs using tail:
$ docker exec -it cocalc bash
$ tail -f /var/log/hub.log
It is critical that the Docker container have the correct time, since CoCalc assumes that the server has the correct time. On a laptop running Docker under OS X, the clock will probably get messed up any time you suspend/resume your laptop. This workaround might work for you:
If you're running this docker image on a remote server and want to use ssh port forwarding to connect, type
ssh -L 8080:localhost:443 username@remote_server
then open your web browser to https://localhost:8080
For enhanced security, make the container only listen on localhost
docker stop cocalc
docker rm cocalc
docker run --name=cocalc -d -v ~/cocalc:/projects -p sagemathinc/cocalc
Then the only way to access your CoCalc server is to type the following on your local computer
ssh -L 8080:localhost:443 username@remote_server
and open your web browser to https://localhost:8080
Instead of doing
docker run --name=cocalc -d -v ~/cocalc:/projects -p 443:443 sagemathinc/cocalc
do this:
docker run --name=cocalc -d -v ~/cocalc:/projects -p 443:443 -p <your ip address>:2222:22 sagemathinc/cocalc
Then you can do
ssh projectid@<your ip address> -p 2222
Get a bash shell insider the container, then connect to the database and make a user (me!) an admin as follows:
$ docker exec -it cocalc bash
root@931045eda11f:/# coffee
coffee> require 'c'; db()
coffee> db.make_user_admin(email_address:'', cb:done())
Obviously, you should really make the user you created (with its email address) an admin, not me! Refresh your browser, and then you should see an extra admin panel in the lower right of accounts settings; you can also open any project by directly visiting its URL.
After making your main account an admin as above, search for "Account Creation Token" in your account settings. Put some random string there and other people will not be able to create accounts in your CoCalc container, without knowing that token.
If you started the container as above, there will be a directory ~/cocalc on your host computer that contains all data and files related to your projects and users -- go ahead and verify that it is there before ugrading. It might look like this:
Williams-MacBook-Pro:~ wstein$ ls cocalc
be889c14-dc96-4538-989b-4117ffe84148 postgres conf
The directory postgres
contains the database files, so all projects, users, file editing history, etc. The directory conf contains some secrets and log files. There will also be one directory (like be889c14-dc96-4538-989b-4117ffe84148
) for each project that is created.
To get the newest image, do this (which will take some time):
docker pull sagemathinc/cocalc
Once done, you can delete and recreate your CoCalc container. This will not delete any of your project or user data, which you confirmed above is in ~/cocalc.
docker stop cocalc
docker rm cocalc
docker run --name=cocalc -d -v ~/cocalc:/projects -p 443:443 sagemathinc/cocalc
Now visit https://localhost to see your upgraded server.
This section is for CoCalc developers.
Build the image
make build-full # or make build
Run the image (to test)
make run
How I pushed this
docker tag smc:latest sagemathinc/cocalc
docker login --username=sagemathinc
docker push sagemathinc/cocalc
Also to build at a specific commit.
docker build --build-arg commit=121b564a6b08942849372b9ffdcdddd7194b3e89 -t smc .