quarkuscoffeeshop-majestic-monolith is an application that can be deployed using RHEL edge. This repo uses the applications found in RHEL Edge Application collection. This tole will be used in ansible tower to deploy to instances. Check out the quarkuscoffeeshop-majestic-monolith project for the source code.
- ansible.posix.sysctl
ansible-galaxy collection install ansible.posix
ansible-galaxy collection install containers.podman
ansible-galaxy collection install community.general.lvol
The role swygue-redhat-subscription is required by this role to subscribe the system.
ansible-galaxy install git+https://github.com/Qubinode/swygue-redhat-subscription.git
[ ] Still working on registration
[ ] Deploy dev instance function via ansible tower. Deploy a development instance of rhel-edge-application-collection to target device.
[ ] Deploy builder image to target rhel edge devices using rhel-edge-automation-arch
[ ] Provision vms on different instances and push builder image?
[ ] Test against smaller devices?
Type | Description | Default Value |
external_endpoint | The External UR of your rhel edge device | |
rhsm_user | Red Hat user for subscription and registry login | user |
rhsm_password | Red Hat password for subscription and registry login | password |
rhsm_unregister | Un register device | false |
network_name | Internal Podman network name | rhel-edge |
podman_ip_range | ip range of podman network | |
podman_subnet | ip subnet of podman network | |
podman_gateway | gateway of podman network | |
expose_port | quarkuscoffeeshop-majestic-monolith port | 8080 |
store_id | store id | ATLANTA # accepted values [RALEIGH, ATLANTA, CHARLOTTE] |
container_image | quarkuscoffeeshop-majestic-monolith repo | "jeremydavis/quarkuscoffeeshop-majestic-monolith-jvm" |
container_tag | quarkuscoffeeshop-majestic-monolith version | "1.0.2" |
startup_wait_time | startup wait time for quarkuscoffeeshop-majestic-monolith | 30 |
pgsql_url | postgresql url | "jdbc:postgresql://{{ external_endpoint }}:5432/coffeeshopdb?currentSchema=coffeeshop" |
pgsql_user | postgresql user | coffeeshopuser |
pgsql_password | postgresql password | "redhat-21" |
pgsql_url_barista | postgresql barista url | "jdbc:postgresql://{{ external_endpoint }}:5432/coffeeshopdb?currentSchema=barista" |
pgsql_user_barista | postgresql barista user | "coffeeshopuser" |
psql_password_barista | postgresql barista password | "redhat-21" |
pgsql_url_kitchen | postgresql kitchen url | "jdbc:postgresql://{{ external_endpoint }}:5432/coffeeshopdb?currentSchema=kitchen" |
pgsql_user_kitchen | postgresql kitchen user | "coffeeshopuser" |
pgsql_password_kitchen | postgresql kitchen password | "redhat-21" |
pg_direcoty_path | default postgres database path | "/pgadmin4" |
pg_database_name | default database name for application | coffeeshopdb |
pg_database_password | default database password | redhat-21 |
pg_database_user | default postgres username | coffeeshopuser |
pg_postgres_port | default postgres port | 5432 |
pg_container_image | postgres container image location | registry.redhat.io/rhel8/postgresql-12 |
pgadmin_default_email | pgadmin default email | user@domain.com |
pgadmin_default_password | pgadmin default password | password |
pgadmin_listen_port | pgadmin default port | 5433 |
pgadmin_container_image | pgadmin default container image | dpage/pgadmin4:latest |
pg_startup_wait_time | pgadmin default container wait startup time | 60 |
gf_install_plugin | Default plugin URL | "https://github.com/performancecopilot/grafana-pcp/releases/download/v3.0.3/performancecopilot-pcp-app-3.0.3.zip;performancecopilot-pcp-app" |
grafana_port | Default Grafana Port | 3000 |
gf_container_image | Grafana image location | registry.redhat.io/rhel8/grafana |
gf_container_tag | Grafana image tag | latest |
- Ansible
- hosts: rhel_edge_device
remote_user: admin
become: true
rhsm_user: username@example.com
rhsm_password: Y0uRp@sSw0rd
- quarkuscoffeeshop-majestic-monolith-ansible
To Deploy
ansible-playbook -i inventory myplaybook.yml -t deploy
To clean up
ansible-playbook -i inventory myplaybook.yml -t remove_application
To register system (WIP)
ansible-playbook -i inventory myplaybook.yml -t register
To deploy Postgres ad pgadmin and quarkuscoffeeshop-majestic-monolith app
ansible-playbook -i inventory myplaybook.yml -t deploy_application
To deploy Postgres ad pgadmin
ansible-playbook -i inventory myplaybook.yml -t deploy_postgres
To deploy quarkuscoffeeshop-majestic-monolith app
ansible-playbook -i inventory myplaybook.yml -t deploy_quarkuscoffeeshop-majestic-monolith
To update quarkuscoffeeshop-majestic-monolith image and app
ansible-playbook -i inventory myplaybook.yml update_images
- On Ansible
Tosin Akinosho