This Ansible role automates the functions and operations of the Red Hat Insights Image Builder ( It streamlines the process of building, customizing, and deploying system images using Red Hat's platform.
- Ansible
- A Red hat user account
- Get offline token
- An SSH Public Key
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa
- install ansible collections
ansible-galaxy collection install -r collections/requirements.yml
- install ansible roles
ansible-galaxy role install -r roles/requirements.yml
Type | Description | Default Value |
rh_offline_authentication_api_bearer_token | offline Token for API Acccess | rh_api_offline_token |
iso_download_directory | Default iso download directory | "/tmp/generated_iso" |
workspace | Default workspace for fleet manager | "/tmp/workspace" |
remove_workspace | Default workspace directory | true |
rhsm_username | RHEL username | username |
rhsm_password | RHEL Password | password |
ssh_pub_key | Public SSH key | "ssh-rsa XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" |
device_group_name | Name of device Group | "my-device-name-group" |
image_name | Name of image | "test-image" |
image_type | Type of image | " image-installer" # guest-image=qcow2 image-installer=iso |
username | Name of user of target edge device | "admin" |
distribution | RHEL Build distribution | "rhel-86" |
description | Descrition of image | "sample description" |
packages | example package list to be installed on image | "curl net-tools podman tar bind-utils git" |
arch | RHEL architecture for taget enviornments | "x86_64" |
rhc_org_id | RHEL ORG ID used to register devices | "your_rhc_org_id" |
rhc_activation_key | RHEL activation Key used to register devices | "your_rhc_activation_key" |
os_variant "rhel8.6" | ||
enable_kickstart | Add custom kickstart to deployment | true |
default_kickstart_url | Default kickstart url |" |
- Ansible
vim myplaybook.yml
- hosts: localhost
remote_user: root
- rhel-edge-management-role
- rhel-egde-on-vmware
This file works with RPM-DNF, you can manage the system software by using the DNF package manager and updated RPM packages. This is a simple and adaptive method of managing and modifying the system over its lifecycle.
vim vars.yml
rh_offline_authentication_api_bearer_token: "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXc"
rhsm_password: yourpassword
## Directories
### For Tower
## for workstation: iso_download_directory: "/opt/generated_iso"
iso_download_directory: "/tmp/generated_iso"
image_type: image-installer # guest-image=qcow2 image-installer=iso
### For Tower
## for workstation: workspace: "/opt/lib/aws/projects/workspace"
workspace: "/tmp"
## Required Files
ssh_pub_key: "CHANGEME"
## required variables
create_device_name_group: true
device_group_name: "my-device-name-group"
create_image: true
## image atrributes
image_name: "test-image" # Example: "test-image-11-13-2022-b1"
username: "admin"
distribution: "rhel-92"
description: "sample description"
packages: ["curl", "net-tools", "podman", "tar", "bind-utils", "git"]
# for osbuild tree deployments image-build for microshift use image-microshift-build
# for rpm image builder use image-builder
build_template: image-builder
arch: "x86_64"
enable_kickstart: false
kickstart_path: ""
## automated management variables
rhc_org_id: "1111111"
rhc_activation_key: "CHANGEME"
## optional variables
## osinfo-query os
os_variant: "rhel8.6"
## Dont need to change
compiled_uri_headers: {}
This file is a work in progress, it will deploy vms on vmware and deploy the iso to the vm.
cat >vars_vmware_test.yml<<EOF
rh_offline_authentication_api_bearer_token: "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXc"
rhsm_password: yourpassword
create_device_name_group: true
device_group_name: "my-device-name-group"
create_image: true
## image atrributes
image_name: "imagename"
username: "admin"
distribution: "rhel-86"
description: "sample description"
packages: 'curl net-tools podman tar bind-utils git'
arch: "x86_64"
rhc_org_id: "your_rhc_org_id"
rhc_activation_key: "your_rhc_activation_key"
## image atrributes
## Vmware Settings
vcenter_hostname: ""
vcenter_username: "administrator@vsphere.local"
vcenter_password: "P@$$w0rD"
vcenter_datacenter: Datacenter1
vcenter_cluster: "Cluster"
vcenter_datastore: datastore
vmware_folder: 'edge-deployments'
vcenter_network: "VM Network"
vmware_hostname: "{{ image_name }}"
iso_path_loc: "ISOs/{{ image_name }}.iso"
iso_src: "/tmp/generated_iso/{{ image_name }}.iso"
To Deploy
ansible-playbook -i inventory myplaybook.yml --extra-vars "@vars.yml"
Create device group on the redhat console website
ansible-playbook -i inventory myplaybook.yml --extra-vars "@vars.yml" -t create_device_group
Create and build rhel image on redhat console using RPM-DNF.
ansible-playbook -i inventory myplaybook.yml --extra-vars "@vars.yml" -t rpm_dnf_build_image
Delete a rhel image on redhat console using RPM-DNF.
ansible-playbook -i inventory myplaybook.yml --extra-vars "@vars.yml" -t delete_dnf_build_image
Create and build rhel image on redhat console using ostree.
ansible-playbook -i inventory myplaybook.yml --extra-vars "@vars.yml" -t build_image
Wait for ostree build to complete
ansible-playbook -i inventory myplaybook.yml --extra-vars "@vars.yml" -t get_build_status
Wait for RPM-DNF image build to complete
ansible-playbook -i inventory myplaybook.yml --extra-vars "@vars.yml" -t get_dnf_build_status
Download ISO from redhat console
ansible-playbook -i inventory myplaybook.yml --extra-vars "@vars.yml" -t download_latest_iso
Auto register vms so they will populate on
ansible-playbook -i inventory myplaybook.yml --extra-vars "@vars.yml" -t configure_auto_registration
Start VM on vmware
for custom isos user the append _fleet_out.iso to
$ ansible-playbook -i inventory myplaybook.yml --extra-vars "@vars.yml" -t vmware_create_folder,vmware_check_for_iso,vmware_upload_iso -vv
$ ansible-playbook -i inventory myplaybook.yml --extra-vars "@vars.yml" -t vmware_deploy_vms -vv
- Update images
- custom kickstart integration
- Create RHEL for Edge images and configure automated management
- Working with systems in the edge management application
Tosin Akinosho